Possible 'Fe' deficiency?

Plant is starting to orange on new growth towards the center of the leaves, only towards the top of the plant.
Have done some research into nutrient and pest problems and believe it could be IRON.
If anyone could help please comment! :D



Well-Known Member
The pics are a little fuzzy, what dirt and nutes are you using?
Usually if something wrong it's the wrong dirt or the nutes are
out of wack~


Well-Known Member
Not iron deficiency but you pics are too blurry to properly diagnose,but i will still take a stab at it,you either have cold temps at night or sulfur deficiency if
you are talking about the yellowing of the new growth,if that is browning on the new leaves it could be boron def or light burn.
ahh ill try get some better ones
have had a few cold nights the last few, which i did suggest to my friend but he insisted it nute.
Using Dutch pro A/B bloom atm only been 1 week on it aswell as its just started to flower.
Putting around 25ml of each into a 10l mix bringing it to about 6.5ph. sorry for the lack of info before it was late :D


Well-Known Member
ahh ill try get some better ones
have had a few cold nights the last few, which i did suggest to my friend but he insisted it nute.
Using Dutch pro A/B bloom atm only been 1 week on it aswell as its just started to flower.
Putting around 25ml of each into a 10l mix bringing it to about 6.5ph. sorry for the lack of info before it was late :D
I don't think your friend knows what he is talking about,if you know you had cold nights then that is probably the problem with the yellowing which will ultimately end up in a potassium lockout if it's not fixed,are your stems turning purple?