Possible air circulation issue.

Waddup fellas? Im having issues getting fresh air into grow box. Plants look like they about to die. Now what I have come up with(and not sure if its going to work) is hooking up an old air pump to a bottle with a pipe into the bottom and a thicker pipe running out the top/lid. I filled the bottle with 3/4 H2O. Now to my understanding and please correct me if I am wrong. The air pressure builds up inside of this bottle and pushes it out the top pipe into my box. Is this considered fresh air? Will it work? Posted a pic of the contraption.



Well-Known Member
How could pressure build in the bottle if there's a hole in it? The air will be free flowing, meaning air goes it and will come out just as easily. If the bottle was sealed, ya maybe that would work. Also, those air pumps are shit and hardly move any air at all. Would probably take an hour to fill that bottle if it was sealed.


Well-Known Member
u made a water filtering system for the air once the water claims all the air it can hold u will get a nice little return from it but the water will capture bactrea molds virus dust

the answer is a powered intake look in my journal i just posted it .................u can make one out of a 4inch booster fan/ducting instead of a 6 inch (do not get rigid ducting it is harder to work with in long run Flexie is best )

cost will be around 55 bucks ............the noise lvl is small like a fan on medium it is white noise and fades into the background

or u can mount a computer fan on the box to use for a fresh air intake (120 mm one) and then wire it to a old ac 12 volt power plug ........u get 2 of them 6 volts and wire it into one 12 power plug (not just a plug has the little converter built in like on wireless phone stations)


Well-Known Member
whatz the pump per gallon of air a hour rate

unless it is fairly high like 240 gallons of air a hour the system will be to weak............the idea is sound but the power for the area u want to use it in might be under rated

yah the math is way off u are going to be really short of that u need
look up cubic feet to a gallon ............1 gallon of air will fill up 0.133681 cubic feet

wxhxd of the area u have is the cubic feet then u need to devide it by 3 (that is the normal agreeed on time 3 mins u can do up to 5 mins )
4x4x6 is 104 by 3 is 34 so in a tent that size i need a CFm of 34 atleast to keep heathly plants (and this is not accounting for the heat from the lights and removing it)

using the math for gallons to cubic feet u would need a air pump of 254 gallons x20 pumps to do it (cycle the air out every 3 mins )
254 gallons a hour air for the 34 cubic feet and then 20 pumps to have the power to cycle it out every 3 mins

yes trail and error is but do the math first saves u the effort and the money incase the numbers are off ....................do the math then pick the method for the best results with the least amount of money spent on solving the issuse (this is the key to a truly great jerry riggers) that and duct tape


Well-Known Member

