Portable Swamp Cooler?


Well-Known Member
I feel like this is a question that has been asked before, however, my search hasnt been working, and I havent found anything looking through it manually. Im a new grower and live in a super dry, super hot environment and my grow space has been creeping up in temps as its gotten later into the year. Also, my humidity has been super low as well. So, here is my proposal, please let me know if there is anything wrong with this idea or something that could go wrong?

I was planning on using a portable swamp cooler to not only cool the area but hopefully add to the humidity along with circulating the air around. If no one knows what a swamp cooler is I can explain. The portable ones are basically a fan with a pad attached to the back. Water is circulated from a catch container to the top of the pad then allowed to flow through the pad while air is sucked through and blown out, cooler than it was before it went in.

Do you guys think this will work? Bad idea, good idea? Let me know. Any help is greatly appreciated.


Well-Known Member
A swamp cooler will add some humidity and decrease heat. You should be ok as long as it does not blow directly on the plants.

old pothead

Well-Known Member
I hope that was a misprint,"A fan with a pad attached to the back".Sucking wet air through a electric motor might not be the best idea.I would have the pad on the front with the air blowing through it.
Are you going to recirculate the water or hook it to a hose and run it out a drain.You will have to work that into your plans also.
It will work if you have the space and way to handle the water.OPH


Well-Known Member
Yeah a swamp cooler is what we put on houses in the desert to keep things cool. They work like an air conditioner just cost alot less to run. It will work for his purpose.


Well-Known Member
Yeah Im in the desert so thats where I got the idea. I have a big normal one on my roof, but they make the portable ones that are more like fans. And sorry i forgot who wrote about the misprint of the pad being on the back, but theyre made like that, im not trying to engineer this thing, so theyre made to be safe, hopefully, meaning i dont have to worry about any of that stuff that you pointed out. Thanks for all of the input.


Well-Known Member
I live in the desert as well and temp is not a problem in the winter time but the summer can be a killer if you dont stay on top of it.


Well-Known Member
I have been doing some research with using swamp coolers for your grow room. As long as you put distilled water or R/O treated water in the cooler you will be fine. If you use regular tap water then you will get an Alkali build up. That in turn will blow on to your plants leaving a white film on your leaves. The hard water that we have here in the desert would not be good for your plants.

tree king

Well-Known Member
can someone please explain specifically how these work? so can i run a hose from my shower head to the unit? does there have to be a second hose to exhaust water also? i already have a window ac in the room but its not powerful enough and putting in a second one would be hot. it would be great if i can run one of these with just 1 hose from the shower head and not have to do anything else