por head stuck in iran :D


Active Member
hey guys jsut to introduce myself basically i'm an american that in iran right now for the next year. i got introduced to th eplant by my uncle in washington state. he had some of that BC bud. man that some good stuff. eversince then i've wanted to grow my own. and now here i am in one of the most carefree countries. so why not give it a shot.

so basically i have everything set up.
seeds (got my hand on some northern lights and some purple haha)
moisture gauge

just my only problem is soil.. the soil in iran isn't very good and it's not like in the states where you can go buy now NPK soil just like that.. ya have to make it yourself haha

so i'm basically wondering if i should just make the soil myself or if i should just go for a hydroponics aproach.

if i should do the soil can someone give me some tips on how to make it


Well-Known Member
buddy if you think Iran is a "care free country" you are seriously mistaken! If you are caught growing isn't the penalty death? They publicly hang homosexuals and people that drink alcohol, it is an extremely repressed society.


Well-Known Member
Yea i would check the laws. As for your approach though I would go with hydro because the climate is too dry for soil growing. you will have to find nutrients somewhere in the desert.


Active Member
hey man i've been coming to iran every summer of my life.. i've learned the systems quite well..

in iran it's leagal to grow for food purposes..

but if you're cuaght dealing it's a fine of roughly 2dollars per gram..

or if you're carrying more that 10grams the cops can easily be bribed with money or jus tby giving them some of your pot. haha


Active Member
Yea i would check the laws. As for your approach though I would go with hydro because the climate is too dry for soil growing. you will have to find nutrients somewhere in the desert.
really there's nothing 10dollars can't solve here haha

and as for the hydro any tips or tricks.. as you can see i'm new to this


Well-Known Member
Check my thread https://www.rollitup.org/grow-room-design-setup/101960-update-my-growroom.html. Thats what my ebb n flow system looks like...really easy to set up and under $40. Basically you have a resevoir (green storage bin) with a pump in it. There are two fittings in the flood tray (black tray), one to flood it and one to drain it. You connect a hose from the pump to the flood fitting and another hose from the drain fitting back into the resevoir. The flood fitting is just about level with the bottom of the tray and the drain fitting is higher (you can adjust to however much you want the tray to fill). The pump will then fill the tray with water up to the drain fitting which will then allow the water to go back into the res so it doesnt overflow. I have a timer set to flood every 2 hours for 30 mins.


Active Member
Check my thread https://www.rollitup.org/grow-room-design-setup/101960-update-my-growroom.html. Thats what my ebb n flow system looks like...really easy to set up and under $40. Basically you have a resevoir (green storage bin) with a pump in it. There are two fittings in the flood tray (black tray), one to flood it and one to drain it. You connect a hose from the pump to the flood fitting and another hose from the drain fitting back into the resevoir. The flood fitting is just about level with the bottom of the tray and the drain fitting is higher (you can adjust to however much you want the tray to fill). The pump will then fill the tray with water up to the drain fitting which will then allow the water to go back into the res so it doesnt overflow. I have a timer set to flood every 2 hours for 30 mins.

that a really nice set up.. mind me asking what is in that large sement mixing tray.. and what each part does..


Well-Known Member
Hydroton is what those clay stones are called. The two things sticking up are the flood and drain fixtures. The smaller one floods the table with water and the big black one lets the water drain back into the resevoir. These can easily be made simply by cutting two holes in the tray and sticking the hose that is connected to your water pump into one hole and securing it there. The other can be made buy putting another piece of hose through the other hole and extending it about 4 inches above the tray and having the rest of the hose going back into the resevoir. Does this help?


Well-Known Member
I just want to comment that there is marijuana grown outdoor in that part of the world. High times recently did an article about pot growing in Iraq. Im sure the verietys grown out there are drought resistant somehow. And if I remember correctly the laws indeed are like persianpothead stated. You can grow your own. Even in parts of India its openly cultivated.
high times may 2008 buds over baghdad


Active Member
Hydroton is what those clay stones are called. The two things sticking up are the flood and drain fixtures. The smaller one floods the table with water and the big black one lets the water drain back into the resevoir. These can easily be made simply by cutting two holes in the tray and sticking the hose that is connected to your water pump into one hole and securing it there. The other can be made buy putting another piece of hose through the other hole and extending it about 4 inches above the tray and having the rest of the hose going back into the resevoir. Does this help?
aha yeah the hydroton was i was mostly wondering about. and another question. i was wondering if i needed to put any special nutrients in the water. or if i could maybe just plant some nutrient releasing plants (beans, green beans, grain, clovers, ect...) in a separate resivoir and have the water from that resivoir bepumped into the area that the actual plant is being grown in.

would that work?


Active Member
I just want to comment that there is marijuana grown outdoor in that part of the world. High times recently did an article about pot growing in Iraq. Im sure the verietys grown out there are drought resistant somehow. And if I remember correctly the laws indeed are like persianpothead stated. You can grow your own. Even in parts of India its openly cultivated.
high times may 2008 buds over baghdad
yes it is leagal to grown your own..but.. only for food purposes.
so growing outdoors is fine but if you have a nosey neighbor or something and they start suspecting something you could have the cops come make a little visit to your house. but as i said before you can always just pay them off. but after a while it builds up.

but the things with marijuana over here in iran is that everyone hardly even knows what it is. it's mostly grown out towards the pakistani borders.

in iran the problem is that everyone does hard drugs (heroin, crack, meth, ect...) so no one even pay atention to marijuana. they say it's not strong enough to even deal with


Active Member
For being an American it really dosent sound like you have the english language down...but maybe you were just born here? anyway it dosent matter :mrgreen: I would probably go with a hydro system as sumone already mentioned im sure you might be able to order nutrients online? You usually need nutrients to grow nice buds..good luck man bongsmilie


Active Member
For being an American it really dosent sound like you have the english language down...but maybe you were just born here? anyway it dosent matter :mrgreen: I would probably go with a hydro system as sumone already mentioned im sure you might be able to order nutrients online? You usually need nutrients to grow nice buds..good luck man bongsmilie
meh the english is just more or less an effort to type fast witch being in america with the constant text and what not ahs ruined my typing skills haha

yea i think i'm just gonna go fo rthe hydro but you got any idea's for a good system..

check out my former post and see if that seems good..

and overall what all do i need?:mrgreen:

:joint:=:eyesmoke: bongsmilie+:joint:=:twisted: