poppy indoors question

Saddam! Give us an update bro. How was SWIY's arrangement?

Brandon, in case ur still interested, you should expect a min pod height of 2' but some strains get up to 6' like giganteums. In most CFL grows I've seen, the plants are dwarfed and usually won't go above 3'. Obviously, the smaller the plant, the smaller the pod, so you need more to get even a decent reward. Also, the plants get at least 8" (in the case of a small grow area, this would be a BEST case scenario) so the narrow confines of a PC case probably wouldn't allow for a good veg so, I'm guessing, they wouldn't even flower. I could be wrong so don't let me stop you if its all you have to work with. Keep in mind that Soms are very low maintenance in the wild, grow in loose soil, hardly anybody know's what they look like, and there are plenty of inconspicuous (but not too) places that aren't necessarily on your property... just food for thought..
Dobey, good to hear from you!

SWIM ended up getting about 30 small/medium pods from the three plants.

Then disaster struck! lol

SWIM dried the pods and ground them into powder. Then used a pyrex cookware pitcher to boil his water in preparation for the pod powder. After reducing from a boil SWIM put the powder in and stirred for about ten minutes....Then the pyrex shattered!!!........ It was a sad sad sad turn of events lol.

SWIM's wife said he's retarded. SWIM remembers using pyrex glassware in science class over bunson burners and assumed it would be safe to use on a stovetop. It said cookware on it for god's sake.

Anyways, they desperately scraped up whatever pod matter they could still find and managed to make some tea. Most of the goodies were lost into the hot water of the first batch. However, the arrangement was still nice for three people.

SWIM got 1000s of seeds out of the ordeal though. Just planted some a couple days ago for overwintering. Hoping for some sprouts. SWIM has zero outdoor growing experience. Any advice Dobey?


Well-Known Member
Lol, you can use them in an oven , not on a plate, the bottom of the glass expands faster than the top and cracks off.

I've taken to splitting things like that in batches of two, as I'm clumsy as fuck sometimes.