Poppy grow in progess (Help please?)


Well-Known Member
It's $4 for 60 grams. You can get some from ebay also, but they charge $3+$3 shipping for 100 seeds. I would deffenitly practice with the mccormick first, and they are potent.


Active Member
ya from what iv red on here you just put alot of them spred out in an area? iam not really sure if thats right or not.... but is there a site that tells the full process of growing them and the care of the plants? btw thanks for all the info so far!


Active Member
It is not legal to grow opium poppies. But as for the starting of this thread, it is not at all hard to grow opium poppies, gorilla farmers of the poppy throw seeds come back in a couple weeks to newly formed veg poppies and water. You do not have to check on them often nor do you have to fertilize like marijuana. It is worth the time and it is worth the effort if in fact the final product is what you're looking to achieve. There is a n enormous wealth of info on growing and producing opium.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, you just have to break up the soil a little bit. If you don't want them taking over your garden I suggest dead heading your pods. They are weeds!


Active Member
there are alotta strains out there. Tasmanian have the highest potency opium.

I think another strain from chezc/urkraine area has the highest yield.

The poppies should just go into flower on their own, its almost better to not pay 'em too much attention, except for watering and fertilizing them reg. One day you'll see "hey! some seed pods" let them mature a bit, cut em up and smoke it.

However, if you cut the pods, don't expect any seeds. Maybe leave the biggest seed pod, and use that one for your next crop and just work on your own genetics.
swiy must have not been growing his poppies right if he only got 2 grams out of 40 plants. Swim can extract almost a gram out of each plant if grown correct