pollination problem


Active Member
My males already opened all their pollin sacs and now the males are huge but the females are just starting to flower. Now I can't breed. Will the males grow sacs again or are they toast


Active Member
Harvest some smaller pollen sacs before they're about to pop.
Then what do you do with the smaller pollen sacs?

My problem is I moved plants from indoor to outdoor and the male pollen sacs already released their pollen. My question was "will they grow another set of pollen sacs this year before harvest or are males limited to growing on set of pollen sacs per year?


Well-Known Member
There are threads on this in the advanced cultivation section. Look it up there. But basically you harvest them just before they're about to pop and let them dry. Then crush up the sac to extract the dried pollen. Then use some type of brush to put the pollen on one of the small lower buds.