

Well-Known Member
I know. Shame on me. :fire:

Anybody with half a brain would have realized he was being set up with that Vagisil crack; so to speak. :twisted:

But not the Canadian Pussy
, he had to take it to the next level.

So I did as well. :lol:

And lulz ensued.
Yup even I laughed...u are so big and strong johnny ur my hero LOL....Nothing like some keyboard antics to make yourself feel special.


Well-Known Member
Here ya go johnny cupcake:

Feel special yet????
Um... okay.

I guess.

I've been a member here just under four years and post on a wide variety of topics.

To you that adds up to troll. :dunce:

I doubt you know the definition of 'troll.'

You probably heard someone else use it and ASSumed it was a really cool insult.

Pussy FAIL!


Well-Known Member
Oh your just pissy cause I called you a troll:mrgreen:.....which is exactly what you did in this thread......any doubts go back and read our entire exchange again.........I try to defend the guy and promote some real discussion then you start flingin' dumbass internet insults.....so who is the fail? oh and how exactly would I hear someone else using that particular poster johnnystuntcock?????think on that for a few mins maybe enjoy a bowl or 3 then get back to me with a real answer like a man:lol:.....funny how after 4 years and 6200 posts you would think you would have learned how to contribute instead of whatever you call this...I still call it trolling:dunce:


Well-Known Member
Oh your just pissy cause I called you a troll:mrgreen:


.....which is exactly what you did in this thread
I called out a tin foil hat-wearing conspiracy theorist.

And an e-pussy while I was at it. :lol:

......any doubts go back and read our entire exchange again
You should take your own advice.

.........I try to defend the guy and promote some real discussion then you start flingin' dumbass internet insults
You defended a poster who advocated wholesale murder. I made sport of it and you resorted to name calling. Does the word 'asshole' ring a bell?

.....so who is the fail?
It's still you.

oh and how exactly would I hear someone else using that particular poster johnnystuntcock?????
Yeah because it's impossible to hear the word 'troll.'

How many angels can dance on the head of a pin?

Furthermore, how many hairs can you try to split?

Your FAIL list is growing exponentially.

think on that for a few mins maybe enjoy a bowl or 3 then get back to me with a real answer like a man:lol:
Now I am not a man in your eyes.

Woe is me.

Whatever shall I do?

.....funny how after 4 years and 6200 posts you would think you would have learned how to contribute instead of whatever you call this
I explained myself already, you simply reject it.

That's fine.

The discussion is over.

...I still call it trolling:dunce:
And I call you a moron.


Well-Known Member
The Canadian Pussy can dish it out, but can't take it.


I'm just so...busted up over it I can hardy type this message...Get over yourself....what discussion...this was never a discussion...in order to have a discussion you have to articulate your argument...That is yer' fail johnnycupcake....deflection never works..........Where I live its called being "pissey" so......... not sure where you are or its geographical significance to the difference in interpretation of my feelings towards you. So carry on with your bad self while I finish this bowl and hit some ignore action.....bongsmilie:peace:


Well-Known Member
I'm just so...busted up over it I can hardy type this message...Get over yourself....what discussion...this was never a discussion...in order to have a discussion you have to articulate your argument...That is yer' fail johnnycupcake....deflection never works..........Where I live its called being "pissey" so......... not sure where you are or its geographical significance to the difference in interpretation of my feelings towards you. So carry on with your bad self while I finish this bowl and hit some ignore action.....bongsmilie:peace:
Ignore away. It changes nothing because you obviously ignore what you choose anyway.

I stated previously, and I reiterate.

I cannot be insulted by a Canadian Cock Pocket.

The End.


Active Member


I called out a tin foil hat-wearing conspiracy theorist.

And an e-pussy while I was at it. :lol:

You should take your own advice.

You defended a poster who advocated wholesale murder. I made sport of it and you resorted to name calling. Does the word 'asshole' ring a bell?

It's still you.

Yeah because it's impossible to hear the word 'troll.'

How many angels can dance on the head of a pin?

Furthermore, how many hairs can you try to split?

Your FAIL list is growing exponentially.

Now I am not a man in your eyes.

Woe is me.

Whatever shall I do?

I explained myself already, you simply reject it.

That's fine.

The discussion is over.

And I call you a moron.
lol ur the biggest idiot i laid my eyes on. its very evident in the world, the people have no say anymore, we live in no democracy, everyday we move closer to marshall law. if you cant see that for yourself, you must be blind.

the "conspiracy theory". how can it be called that when its the truth, those who control the economy control the world, the government and the people have no power. we have been tricked into a world of perpetual debt, which humanity will become enslaved in debt. research how money is produced. A country prints a note, they send it to the Federal reserve (so anybody china, germany, america, canada) and the Federal Reserve stamps it, "makes it official tender", and sends it back to the government but with interest rates, so if you add interest rates onto ALL the money in existence, there wont be enough money in circulation to pay back all debts. therefore we can never prosper.

the more you look into things, the more you see how we are being conspired against, how we are losing our rights and powers as a citizen, and how we are becoming more and more like modern day slaves as rhino stated.

there is truth to what he says, he just didnt articulate his ideas very well.


Well-Known Member
lol ur the biggest idiot i laid my eyes on.
If that is so, you are about to get your clock cleaned by an idiot.

Is that what you will tell your colleagues at the doughnut shop?

its very evident in the world, the people have no say anymore, we live in no democracy, everyday we move closer to marshall law. if you cant see that for yourself, you must be blind.
Republic. My country was established as a Republic. Democracy is mob rule.

the "conspiracy theory". how can it be called that when its the truth, those who control the economy control the world, the government and the people have no power. we have been tricked into a world of perpetual debt, which humanity will become enslaved in debt. research how money is produced. A country prints a note, they send it to the Federal reserve (so anybody china, germany, america, canada) and the Federal Reserve stamps it, "makes it official tender", and sends it back to the government but with interest rates, so if you add interest rates onto ALL the money in existence, there wont be enough money in circulation to pay back all debts. therefore we can never prosper.

the more you look into things, the more you see how we are being conspired against, how we are losing our rights and powers as a citizen, and how we are becoming more and more like modern day slaves as rhino stated.
For that you can thank the Progressive reforms of the early 20th Century, not the Intelligentsia

Alex Jones is an entertainer. He peddles that garbage to chumps like you. It's all misdirection to distract your pea brain from the reality: We have squandered our Republic. Which is far more frightening than the twaddle you obviously fill your head with. Too much of that conspiracy bullshit has rotted your brain.

there is truth to what he says, he just didnt articulate his ideas very well.
If a Conservative had advocated murder as a solution, he or she would have been crucified.

But the OP was not. Yeah; we made sport of him, but that is where it ended.

Do you know why there was not a flurry of angry responses from outraged members?

No one, except a dumber-than-idiot such as you, takes a loon like that seriously. :lol:


Well-Known Member
And one more thing, TokeSmoker420....

It's Martial Law, not 'Marshall Law.'


I suggest you consult a dictionary before declaring someone else 'the biggest idiot i laid my eyes on.'