politics for dummys


Well-Known Member

You have two cows. State takes both of them and sells you the milk.

You have two cows. State takes both of them and shoots you.

You have two cows. State takes both of them, kills one and spills the milk down the drain.

DEMOCRAT / SOCIALIST (Same thing these days...)
You have two cows. Your neighbor has none. You feel guilty for being successful. The government takes one
and gives it to someone else. Barbara Streisand sings for you.

You have two cows. Your neighbor has none. So what?

You have two cows. The government seizes both and provides you with milk. You wait in line for hours to get it.
It is expensive and sour.

You have two cows. You sell one, buy a bull, and build a herd of cows.

You have two cows. You go on strike because you want three cows. You go to lunch and drink wine. Life is

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Well-Known Member
your the one whos political leanings has your hand in my pocket chief.
seems you ..( THE SOCIALIST) has your hand in my pocket not the other way around..seems it is you WHO NEED ME..not me who needs you..what are you going to do without our tax money fool?
i doubt by your lack of knowledge read the news on a daily basis.
if you did you would understand you are caught between a shit and a sweat with no place to go.
alot of your liberal brothers are out of work..no work coming to save them other than a obama created job at the cost to the tax payers of a million dollars per job created or saved..LOL.
i am enjoying seeing the poor and ignorant suffer through the stupidity they voted for.
14 trillion dollars gone in 6 months..with the debt getting larger by the day. russia and several other countrys are getting rid of ALL of their dollar denominated assets . investment capital has dried up..in a country where the president is taking over companys and dictating pay and who gets hired and fired..who would invest into the USA? NO ONE..thanks alot liberals.
you just fucked yourself straight up the ass..go blaming anyone you want..and who will listen to your shit about how someone elses caused the shit..when you are all out of work losing your homes jobs cars..credit cards crashing.
15%...of homeowners right now are in either foreclosure or delinquent on their payments.
obama has already FAILED..and done so misrable.
you voted for it..you got it..not live with it..it would be nice if you owned up that you were WRONG..as liberals usualy are


Well-Known Member
Socialist?, No I work for a living.
I read the news on a daily basis.
I'm not happy with all the spending going on.
What Have I missed.
I don't have my hands in your pocket.

The reason I say what I did, is because you go off half cocked just like your hero med.


Well-Known Member
What you got nothing to say now?
14 Trillion is a conservative estimate.
Think more into the 100's of trillions my friend.

I'm a lot more xenophobic than you think, I think that if a US Based company leaves the country for cheaper labor then they shouldn't be allowed to do business in this country, I also think that we need to close our borders.
Looks like you know nothing about me.
I do believe that we should have more compassion for the poor.

What your dumb ass doesn't realize is that I was a Republican until the 2nd year of Bush's first term. He turned me against the party because of his blatant bullshit and his steps taken against the people in favor of corporations and the Republican yes men that were in congress and the senate.
That being said, I am a Libertarian that is socially liberal.


Well-Known Member
What you got nothing to say now?
14 Trillion is a conservative estimate.
Think more into the 100's of trillions my friend.

I'm a lot more xenophobic than you think, I think that if a US Based company leaves the country for cheaper labor then they shouldn't be allowed to do business in this country, I also think that we need to close our borders.
Looks like you know nothing about me.
I do believe that we should have more compassion for the poor.

What your dumb ass doesn't realize is that I was a Republican until the 2nd year of Bush's first term. He turned me against the party because of his blatant bullshit and his steps taken against the people in favor of corporations and the Republican yes men that were in congress and the senate.
That being said, I am a Libertarian that is socially liberal.
i was just talking about the federal government spending in six months. not talking about derivatives . unfunded mandates. credit default swaps . or personal debt. yea..we are hundreds of trillions dollars in debt with hundreds of trillion dollars in unfunded liabilitys .
i am complete opposites of med o mao.
i am a true libertarian as i dont believe in government at all.
bush was a liberal in sheeps clothing.
he was just les objectionable than kerry or gore at the time to alot of people.
this just in..obama is saying now the economy is going to collapse unless he gets his health care wish..he said the economy was going to collapse if we didnt save the banks..he said it was going to crash if we didnt save IAG..or general motors or chrystler.
now..its the health care system that is going to crash if we dont give him more trillions.
what the idiots are going to do is print so much money it is going to become worthless . i smell civil disobediance on the way..at a miniumum ..


Well-Known Member
What is your concept of a social liberal?

Personally I think that Marijuana should be legalized, I don't give a damn one way or another about Gay marriage, I don't think the states should have anything to do with a religious institution (which is what marriage is) If there is a God, then the gays would have to answer to him/her, I don't Believe in the death penalty (the only place in the constitution that calls for it is treason).

Libertarians don't believe in no government, that is a misconception.
They do however believe in a free market, capitalism and less government intrusion in people's lives.
Now if you think that socialism was brought about by the Obama administration then you are wrong.
It has been here since the early 1970's.
I believe in the constitution.
There are certain laws that do not pass that muster (passed by both parties), I won't go into it now though, as I will save it for another time when it is more appropriate.


Well-Known Member
What is your concept of a social liberal?

Personally I think that Marijuana should be legalized, I don't give a damn one way or another about Gay marriage, I don't think the states should have anything to do with a religious institution (which is what marriage is) If there is a God, then the gays would have to answer to him/her, I don't Believe in the death penalty (the only place in the constitution that calls for it is treason).

Libertarians don't believe in no government, that is a misconception.
They do however believe in a free market, capitalism and less government intrusion in people's lives.
Now if you think that socialism was brought about by the Obama administration then you are wrong.
It has been here since the early 1970's.
I believe in the constitution.
There are certain laws that do not pass that muster (passed by both parties), I won't go into it now though, as I will save it for another time when it is more appropriate.
Actually, now I'm curious. Care to share, Mr.?


Well-Known Member
you are correct about both parties being violating the constitution without doubt.
we are not going into socialism though..this is something much worse you are watching happen.
as far as government intervention interference in my life.
roads and rail roads.
defending of the country and post office.
that is the limit to the federal governments powers..that is it..
they can only get their income through tariffs . period.
everything else is left up to the local and state governments.


New Member
And your one of the biggest political dummys of all.
Well aside from med :D
So now you have gone from not talking to me to your ignorant attack mode, eh? I guess when I figured out you were just a dumb ass Okie hick from that phone call, you decided I was too good for you. Well I may be (Too good for you) but you are still a dumb ass Okie hick. Geeze I just love Ad hominem. Come get some Okie.


Well-Known Member
So now you have gone from not talking to me to your ignorant attack mode, eh? I guess when I figured out you were just a dumb ass Okie hick from that phone call, you decided I was too good for you. Well I may be (Too good for you) but you are still a dumb ass Okie hick. Geeze I just love Ad hominem. Come get some Okie.
Puleeze, your not even in the same class as me, Secondly I'm not an Okie, I'm a Texan, there is a big difference. Hick? No actually Lived in The Los Angelese Area for 30 years of my life.
You sir really have no concept of the political arena, You are into the feel good politics and if anyone who doesn't agree with you 100% you go into personal attack mode.
So if you want to keep up your personal attacks against me at least get it right. I'M A TEXAN, NOT AN OKIE. And you sir are a mouth breathing, chin whiping drooler. :spew:
I know that you may not agree but I am sorry I voted for Obama, he is doing nothing but putting this country in debt for the next 200 years. He has done nothing but throw money at the problem and instead of fixing it. I had high hopes for him, But everyone can be wrong once in a while, you happen to be wrong most of the time.

BTW you can


Well-Known Member
Also I worked long enough in the oil Field to save enough money to go into partnership in a Music Store and I'm also learning a new trade as a Luthier (I'm betting you don't know what that is) so I'll break it down for you so that your simpleton ass can understand it. I fix and make musical instruments.
I'm also in a Country & Western Band and we are doing quite well.
In about 2 months I'll be investing on a restaurant.
So tell me, what are you doing with your life? Oh that's right, you set on your fat ass and bitch.
You see I know how to make money, even in this economy.
Entertainment is always a money maker in a bad economy, and I'm doing a gig in front of about 2,000 people next weekend.
People have to eat as well, this is where the restaurant comes in.
Since I know a lot of the musicians in the area the Music Store and Luthier service comes in. This store already has a established clientele.
Tell me, Who looks like the hick now smart ass?