Political memes ONLY.. To prove your political points.


Well-Known Member
Should have Mitch driving and Lindsey on the passenger side, a great metaphor for the current situation. We are suppose to sit around and wait for this idiot to accept reality? That's for republicans and other such idiots and slaves, patriots are moving on and he will move whether he wants to or not. If he doesn't start hauling ass on the transition, Pelosi will impeach him as a menace to public health and add Stormy Daniels as insurance.


Well-Known Member
Immediately banned for 30 days on Fakebook for this one. I do mean immediate.
Wait a year and you will be able to post anything about Trump, nothing is more humiliating than the truth to him and the truth will do just fine. Bet he's pleading in front of a judge as individual #1 in a month of losing power, as soon as the judge lays eyes on him they will slap a gag order on him, a week later he will be in jail for violating it.

Mitch and the republicans on the hill will have a prayer meeting and secretly pray he stays in jail muzzled, no one rides the wild elephant until Donald is gone and silenced. You never hear a peep from all those once famous criminals now in supermax's, it's a blackhole and a rubber room for Donald 23/7. He has no idea how hard solitary is gonna be for him, no club fed for Donald, he has national security secrets and a large following of heavily armed terrorists, so a supermax fits the bill.