police run in!


Well-Known Member
just keep on fighting and if i were u i would not grow at the moment unless u have like an oobsession with growing


Well-Known Member
Honkeytown are you in a local milita by chance?
lol....yes....ah ha ha ha...no....I hate cops....and my cousin is a cop....i see and hear about the shit the boys in phoenix get away with...crazy I tell ya.
Plus who the fuck LIVES in the woods these days anyway?......besides Jason....well and the Bigfoot. man I smoke too much pot....but seriously....im pretty sure Mothman lives in the woods too. I'm just sayin get a fence...lol


Well-Known Member
well... they are off the property now. i didnt dump them all... i still have a half dozen. i have to move them. do you guyz think they should be moved day or night? - i live in the BOON DOX and the cops have NOTHING better to do t han hand out parking tickets at the local fair once a year and harrass ME. --- you people dont even know. the chief has been after my whole family since they day they moved in becuase back when i was 16 i ran from them on a little dirtbike and long story short there, i was arrested at gun point. my dad was charged with some bull shit by the chief and my brother was charged with 13 felonies durring the raid. i had nothing in the house and was charged with an empty bag. no lie.. an empty bag. that was my 2nd possesion charge. now i'm 19 on probation and got pulled over LAST NIGHT 45 minutes away from my house. they searched my car and scraped bud off the floorof my car. about 5$ worth and charged me with possesion. they didnt arrest me but charged me. now i have to deal with my 3rd possesion charge while on probation for a recieving stolen property charge. this state trooper pulled me over and first thing he said. and keep in mind i didnt have my license on me so he had no idea who i was other than from past experiences. --- "mr. --------, have'nt we dealt with each other in the past?" my though "oh shit, thats trooper ----" and it was all down hill from there.
I will come visit you in jail....dumbass


Well-Known Member
dude give up, ur not growing anywhere. your hot and im sure most of the police no about u and there watching u alot without even u knowing. cmon man a raid and they just seen these plants. NOW they know ur not giving up. so stop, atleast for a year or a few months


Well-Known Member
throw away your plants, stay very very low intil you move and as said before when ALL heat is off (probation/court hearings ect.) asses your situation and waht you can grow without attracting any attention. i've been there mate and 2 years behind bars aint worth a harvst or two. ps don't complain about anything to the pigs their already targeting you, don't give them any more reasons. move and they will forget about you in 6 months and the next foolish youngster will take your place. woolah your back to the enjoying the freedom and privacy our forfathers fought so hard for.


Well-Known Member
and if ureally feel like u want ur plants id put them off ur property and let nature do its course, if ur lucky you will have some bud in a few months


Well-Known Member
and if ureally feel like u want ur plants id put them off ur property and let nature do its course, if ur lucky you will have some bud in a few months

already done - and they werent suppose to stay much more than probably 4 days after this happened.


Well-Known Member
The cops DO NOT CARE if they break the law to bust you and it gets thrown out of court. They still keep whatever they seized, there are no repercussions for the cops and you are still fucked - though at least not headed for jail. at least in non-medical use states anyway....


Well-Known Member
Don't hate the cops man hate the law, hate big government for the freedoms that have been taken from us, hate the bastards that do these things just to buy votes. :joint: