Poker and Pot


Active Member
One of my favorite passtimes is to get the buzz on and play some online poker. How about you? I have found some good deals and have never put my own money in.:clap:

We need everyone to speak out to legalize this passtime. This is a game of skill and circumstance not luck. Its ok to gamble peoples life savings in the stock market but few hundred at the poker table is illegal that is so wrong. :spew:

Any how email me if you want some freebies and some places to go and learn.


Well-Known Member
I haven't played for a while, but I love to smoke and play some cards. are you in the states? I would love some sites to play online with some good bonuses. Please shoot me a P.M.

wannabe grower

Well-Known Member
You guys hear about the online poker site specifically for smokers? It's got an ad in this months High Times or Skunk mag can't remember which. I'll go look. Found it. Says US players welcome to got to check it out.

The Martian

Active Member
Yeh m8, Weed and Poker is a smashing combo, the weed amplifies, and the poker gives you the ups and downs, man does it give you ups and downs. looks OK to me, gets reasonable reviews, good bonuses, And they allow septics aswell. I must admit I prefer to play where they allow the yanks in too. I like to play against the French too, I find you tend to get payed off with them, they always seems to call you when you hit good.
I quite like Pokerstars too, and I still use party occasionally, even though they now don't accept yanks.
That was such a drag, when they stopped you yanks playing, I must admit I really didn't think it was gonna happen, was suprised when i was proved wrong, Wankers!!!!!! Fancy stopping it like that?????
It must have pissed you lot off BIG time???

BTW I came sec in a 100 buck freeroll last night.:clap::clap::clap:

Toodle Pip


Active Member
I have the link to reefer poker and there is going to be an online forum challenge in January with over 5000 dollars in play. send me a message and i can give a link to both.