plot prepping... hole or bed...


Well-Known Member
my fellown outdoors men, i need your opinion on whether id be better off to dig 1.5'x1.5' holes for my plants of do a bed by digging up the top 6" and laying down potting soil in a 4'x8' area? ill be using black earth with perlite and i have 17 plants... thanks for your input.


Well-Known Member
come on you guys 30 views... its a simple answer for an experienced outdoor grower here... help a noob out... ill even throw in rep, happy?


Well-Known Member
sorry no one replied but if your going to raise it up i say build a raised bed. but if your just digging in the ground all you need is holes. happy growing!


Well-Known Member
here is my two cents if they are all females and you arnt worried about being noticed then go for the bed, but if it is grullia on public property i would dig the holes and space them out


Well-Known Member
What I do is take a 5 gallon bucket and fill it with soil from 2 holes about 1 foot by 1 foot.

Then I mix that soil on a tarp with 2 cups of my organic premix.

2 kind of guano, one high in P the other in N

Some lime to balance the PH of my acidic soil and some epsom salts for mag.

I let this cook for at least 2 weeks before I plant in the holes. This gives time for the organics to start to brew, and it gives time for animals to explore the holes. The smell wears off and they stop digging in it.