Please tell me what this is. Pics included

| Shadow |

I just put up a MH a few days ago. Could this be from teh lights buring them. I also fed them with Ph bal water.


Well-Known Member
pics dont work.. if these leave are curling down or browing/yellow at the top more than the bottor or only at the top than this is most likely heat issues. how hot is it. get an accurate reading

| Shadow |

I used the "put my hand up to light and test, if my hand does not hurt the plants are okay". But to answer your question Stgeneziz, about 7 inches above the plants was the MH with a fan blowing between them. I did not think a 4ooW could burn them.

| Shadow |

I'm gonna go smoke and hope.................Oh by the Afgan was closer to the light, why would it not burn?
Deffinatly burnt, when your plants are this big they shouldn't be closer than 1 foot away from the light. Also your room could be too hot make sure you have proper intake and outake.
Your plants will survive though just make sure not too stress them too much in the near future and they will bounce back