Please Mr Ventura


Well-Known Member
Mr Ventura,,
Please return to your homeland, we need you. Would you consider running for office? Maybe Dr Paul could use a worthy vice President.
Thank you sir.


Well-Known Member
Mr Ventura,,
Please return to your homeland, we need you. Would you consider running for office? Maybe Dr Paul could use a worthy vice President.
Thank you sir.
Are you talking about Jesse Ventura? Overrated. He talks big talk, but gets in to the office and does the same old shit.


Well-Known Member
Last I heard RP's only indication of a running mate was Andrew Napalitano (spelling?)

edit: I guess Chuck Baldwin, as well. (which RP might lose my vote if he was chosen)

Charlie Ventura

Active Member
Marco Rubio for VP. He would run circles around any Dem nomination for VP in the debates. If that Dem choice is again Biden, Rubio would slice & dice before placing Biden in the meat grinder. And, against Rubio, Jesse Ventura wouldn't stand a chance either.


Well-Known Member
Marco Rubio for VP. He would run circles around any Dem nomination for VP in the debates. If that Dem choice is again Biden, Rubio would slice & dice before placing Biden in the meat grinder. And, against Rubio, Jesse Ventura wouldn't stand a chance either.
That's because he would just have his wife do some cheers on stage. Talk about collecting the undecided vote.


Well-Known Member
While I'd love to see Napolitano as a VP to Paul, Dr. Paul would be better keeping him aside as a potential supreme court nominee. The court needs a fresh injection of Constitutionalists. Kelo v. New London is a great example of why we need someone like Napolitano on the bench.

I like Gary Johnson, but the guy just can't seem to answer questions clearly enough without tripping all over himself. He'd would be too easily painted as a fool. Paul should find someone of like mind, with the same confidence and assertiveness as Dick Cheney. Like him or not, he didn't put up with any shit...

I remember an interview of Cheney a few years ago where the reporter asked about the Iraq war not being popular. Cheney's initial answer was "So?" The reporter paused in disbelief, expecting some type of political mealy-mouthed answer. I fell out of my chair laughing when I saw that.