please i need help

So my lowryder is roughly 10 days old and i just returned to her from the weekend only to find she is small, shriveled up, and a rather on the crispy side. after investigaing i found out that there was NO HOLE in the bottom of the could i be so stupid? i took a pair of scissors and cut two holes in the lower side of my pot to release a steady stream of water :neutral: will my plant recover??? what will help?


Well-Known Member
i took a pair of scissors and cut two holes in the lower side of my pot to release a steady stream of water
water poured out when you cut? or now when you water it purs out? would have been so much water if it poured out right when you cut the holes. if the problem was that they were sitting in water, id give them something for there roots, like a root booster or hyydrogen peroxide helps roots to i hear. i just started using some in my water every few waterings. dont know if it actually works though cant really see my roots in the dirt lol.
well hopefully she'll perk up in the next few starting another two just in case the unthinkable occurs and i lose her. she was in standing water i believe and for a couple of days at that. has anyone ever done this or had to nurse an over watered plant back to health?


Sounds like she might be a goner.. Sorry bro. I would try some sort of root stimulator and hope all the roots didnt rot.. Just remember bro every mistake just makes us better gardeners. Keep the chin up.. Kron.


Well-Known Member
Try to be careful as fuck and repot her into some fresh soil that isnt too wet, but still dampish. The shock alone can be very harsh on the plant if you are not careful but at this point its better then sitting in possible root rotted soil. Oh.......almost forgot, make sure there a couple holes;)

Dakota Big Smokin

Active Member
give it a god flush with ph'd water and dont water again until soil is straight dry and ony water when soil is dry or the pot feels really light
yeah i made 5 holes and drained the pot out. i blew into two of them to try and get a little O2 in there. as far as repotting i dont want to risk it but that hydrogen peroxide sounds like it worth a shot....i dont have much to lose any way but if im right and dont quote me on this h202 (hydrogen peroxide) breaks down into h20 and O2 while also killing root rot bacteria
well good news i checked on her this morning and she has perked up from last night and even grew (very little) but still a good sign. the top set of leaves that were curled under are now stretching back out. hopefully everytthing will be okay


Well-Known Member
See. That's why I love soil. So nurturing. So forgiving. I'm happy your plant came through. 40 lashes for forgetting the drainage holes. Jk
yeah that was pretty stupid but i bet il never do that again lol i just measured my ph and im sittin at about that acceptable