Please help


Well-Known Member
I have a plant that is about a foot tall. Its doing rather well but it has dark green tips on the leaves sence the other day and the 2 bottom rigged leaves that are at the bottom of the plant (not the round leaves that fall off) are hanging down and are dark green and soft. i was wonderin if any 1 could help me find out what this is and if i can fix it PLEASE HELP !! lol:fire:


Well-Known Member
a little bit of miracle grow every 2 or 3 days thats all but i havent even been using that much just been using reg. water


Well-Known Member sounds like your giving them too much (N). cut back on the MG for a while.... use it like MAYBE once a week.... If you could id try to find better nutrition for your MG isnt really the best for weed...


Well-Known Member
i dont use tap water and if i do i boil it first to kill anything in it that could harm the plants but the MG i put in water just like it said but over the week end i was awy and i had my light on it for 2 days so i was hoping that wouldnt have much affect on it


Well-Known Member
The tap water doent need to be boiled. Easier just to let it sit out for 2 days ( that will let the chlorine diminish) how old is your should have it on 24hr lighting anyway. (or at least 18/6)


Well-Known Member
well i just boil it any way cause i dont trust md water lol i could take pics and show you if you want cause you might be able to help more and its only about a month old and is bout to go into the flowering stages and i keep the lighting 14-18 hours on and however many off.


Well-Known Member
what could happen if you don"t let it sit 2 days what kind of symptoms does the plant show?


Well-Known Member
i have pics give me a few minutes to get em on here ill show you whats happening dont mind me in the pics tho


Well-Known Member
lajupe...It may not show any signs whatsoever...... some plant just dont like the chlorine or floride... I use fishtank water....and my plant LOVE it!!!!


Well-Known Member
Growx It sound like your just turning your lights on and off when you feel the time is right....get you a timer bro...they only like 6 bucks


Well-Known Member
This is going to be especially true when you do start to flower....improper lighting periods can really fuck up a p;lants internal clock, and cause it to ..... HERMIE, or delayed flowering times


Well-Known Member
lajupe. some plants will not show any side affects, many will.... it just depends on your city's water...if ya got well water then no probs....

Growx do you have a timer for your lights?


Well-Known Member
over nutrition.... definatly.... do you see the burnt tips in your leaves? thats where excess nutrients are building up, I'd cut back on the MG or it will get much worse.... Many growers see this as a sign of under nutritiion, and in return, use more nutes....use fresh clean water for a few days and lets see what happens.(cut those bottom sickly leaves off)

Also I noticed youre plant seems to be stretching, consider finding better lights, as that will keep your plant more compact (cause i assume youre leaving it indoors)?


Well-Known Member
ouch....please man, for the sake of your plant... get ya some of those CFL lights, they are cheap, and work greatt


Well-Known Member
also i watered them today cause the soil was dry all around so i put a good bit of MG water in the soil should i run reg. water threw the dirt to get the MG water out or what ?


Well-Known Member
well just leave what you got in there for now....wait a couple days, let the soil dry, (so your roots can breath) and water with reg water for a couple days...dont used it like the box says....when i use MG ill put like a half teaspoon into a 2 liter jug... and i do that about once every two weeks. and reg water every other week