Please help with TINY bluestreak lowryder


Active Member
I keep the flaps open just a little bit, and I have put a fan each tent just recently. It maybe too hot even then?

I am a little unsure about watering as I have never taken care of plants before. I have given them water enough that it ran out the bottom a little, 3 or 4 times. When I have given them nutrients, I have it mixed with the water (1/4 strength) and I don't give them much of this solution, just around the stem. I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing. I put my finger in the pot and it doesn't seem dried out...

The bluestreaks and snowryders, are the smallest plants yet.

Thanks for your help!


Active Member
My friend has just as enclosed a space as I do, and also has maybe more heat, less ventilation than I do, and his lowryders are normal sized.

I started 4 White Widow plants, gave 2 of them to my friend after about 2 weeks from seed. His plants took off. Mine looked healthy but stayed way shorter than his.

I gave the remaining 2 White Widow plants to my friend after about 4 weeks, and he put them with his plants. Mine were about 1/4 the size and now those two plants are starting to die, where his 2 are taking off.

Any suggestions? I have tried to get the proper setup, but something isn't right here!

Thanks much!


Well-Known Member
What make is the tent?

Ive heard of a tent brand that when you put HID lights in it emit a vapour of some kind that kills plants.

Is the air cirulating in the room around the tent, as in is there an open window?


Active Member
Ahh, I am hoping to have the problem resolved. I went to neighborhood grow store where I get all supplies. They suggested it was the water, as they had the same problem with the tap when they moved in.

I actually took out the flowering little 1 inch plants and washed the roots with bottled water, and repotted everything with new dirt....

I flushed the 5 week old....and WOW what a difference.

EVERYTHING looks better!

5 week old grew 1/2 in in one day, which was unheard of before.

Little plants are all looking up.

Hopefully this is the problem. Thanks for the help!!


Active Member
Yes, I did harvest. I think it was a problem with the tap water and heat.

I washed the roots of the plants with spring water, believe it or not! I started using the spring water only for water and nutes, and really cut down on heat. The bluestreaks grew to about 5 inches and yielded about an 1/8 each which is amazing, I think!

Very nice...and later experiments worked out much better.

How old are your plants?


Active Member
Actually thinking about it, yours look not too bad. Mine were about an inch tall and flowering. I think yours are bigger at the same stage.