Please Help, Whats wrong with My 4 Females?


Hey, Ive got 4 Short riders that just showed sex about 5 days ago, there lower leaves a little bellow the middle of plants are loosing color starting at very tip of leaves, looks almost like they are being stripped of there dark green color with bleach. (it looks like lights are frying the leaves but are no where near them)

-Using john innes compost
-there about 25 days old
-using tap water (maybe thats the problem, PH too high? i have no tester.)
-Have not used any nutes at all yet, I have bio bloom, should i use this?
-Using CFL's only, lights are not burning plant, temperature seems just fine.
-Top of one of the plants with fucked leaves looks a little spindly and light colored but not by much i think.

There just starting to flower i dont wana loose them now lol !!!
Anyone know what this is ?? Help is very apreciated thanks!!


Well-Known Member
go and buy yourself a ph tester, if your not in the proper range various nutrients get locked out and the plant will get defeciencies and trying to correct those by feeding will just make it worse than it was and burn the plant as well. Make sure your ph is correct, fixing it if it needs it (for soil ph water your plant and collect the runoff water and then ph it)and begin feeding, go with 1/4 or 1/2 strength and remember less is more when it comes to nutes and dont go overboard and slowly increase the strength over time.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
go and buy yourself a ph tester, if your not in the proper range various nutrients get locked out and the plant will get defeciencies and trying to correct those by feeding will just make it worse than it was and burn the plant as well. Make sure your ph is correct, fixing it if it needs it (for soil ph water your plant and collect the runoff water and then ph it)and begin feeding, go with 1/4 or 1/2 strength and remember less is more when it comes to nutes and dont go overboard and slowly increase the strength over time.

This. Your plants will suck/not live if you don't go get ph gear (ph up/ph down, ph meter ($30), storage solution, calibration solution)

also let your tap water sit out in an open container for 24 hours. This will let the chlorine evaporate
Cool... any idea of what it could be if its not the PH? Ive had ph problems before and usualy the plant was stunted and new growth was lighter in color. Never saw anything like this bottom leaf problem before.


Active Member
that looks like some sort of burn especially with the leaf tips burning like that, but tap water is high mine is usually around 8.6 in ph so i'd suggest you get a metre....the ph usually goes down when i mix nutes but i still usually need a drop or 2 of white vinegar to lower the ph to the 6.6 mark....but to be honest the new growth and upper growth looks fine. Maybe you messed some nutes/water over that leaf when feeding one day which may hve burnt it because as i said the rest of the plant looks fine.... you will probably find your comost in the soil lowers the Ph in the tape water as well, but still listen to what the others have already said... you need to ph tester to make sure and be in full control

good luck