Please help to recognize the problem


Well-Known Member
did you water on it at all. Looks like some nuted water or something splattered on them. But that's just me...


Well-Known Member
As he said how do you water them with nutes. Do you pour it over the plant or close to the soil without touching the leaves with the water?


Well-Known Member
Looks like water on the leaves magnified the light and partially bleached the leaves. No biggie.


Well-Known Member
Slight case of nute-burn via watering with nute water. It is impossible to not to splash leaves if using nute water. I keep a spray bottle of regular water near the plants and spray the leaves after using nute water. Works for me.

Good luck, BigSteve.


Well-Known Member
Its a huge debate about what causes this mozaic pattern on the leaves. Some will say its a mozaic virus, but there is no proven fact that cannabis can even get any mozaic viruses. Still new findings and tests being done on what causes this. It will not harm your plant threw its entire cycle having a few mozaic leaves. I doesnt hinder growth or buds.


Well-Known Member
what is your soil type? I had similiar issues with MG potting mix with it being overfert issues. light green and in few days itll yellow out and die.