Please help overnight disaster what do i do


Okay overview

15L pots
Standard potting soil with perlite vermeculit etc etc
4 months old

3weeks into flower

watering with 1/4 dose of M. Grow All purpose plus iguana juice and monster bloom all 1/4 strength doses

so i watered two days ago...had an emergency and had to spend a day at the hospital

woke up today and my girls are all showing signs of something...calicium def. maybe N or P


not sure what to do

leafs are turning this baige color and while there not crispy dry they are drying out
but still hold moister, its taken over the plant.

the tips of the flowers are drying out and some that look that way but arent dry at all just a baige color

what do you think, what can i do.



note i flushed immediatly. PH on run off, tested with digital meter reads 6.4

so flush and start with a weaker dose slowly moving up in strength.?


Well-Known Member
That could be the wind beating them up? - if they have not been exposed to wind that could be some micro deficiency. Is PH right? This is how my plants looke when exposed to wind or frost i think.


Well-Known Member
Ah - i now see that it's grown inside - shouldn't be the wind then ;O)) - unless some power fan directly on them ;O)


note: there on the roof they do get great air flow but i noticed it seemed to start when it got hot, so cal was 100+ the last few days placed them on styrofaom to insulate, treated with fresh water
on the hot days and two days later they looked like this. Basically they were getting flushed before hand, do to heat and the salts maybe salt build up in the pot, nut burn?


It looks like you overwatered. Are some of the new leaves bright yellow? I had the same problem this year but only with the plants in small pots, the rest of the plants in bigger pots are good. If its overwatered, let it dry out for a couple days and change your watering schedule. Good luck


It looks like you overwatered. Are some of the new leaves bright yellow? I had the same problem this year but only with the plants in small pots, the rest of the plants in bigger pots are good. If its overwatered, let it dry out for a couple days and change your watering schedule. Good luck

right on. yeah been wondering about the watering. somedays its daily others two three days. As for the leaves some on the lower portion are yellowing. the leave are slightly yellow but started out looking like a cal. deficiency, know this pics above but im not sure just picked up some superthrive and cal/mag plus
gonna flush and treat with that, keeping my fingers crossed