Please help need to know!!!!!!!!!!!


New Member
Can anybody tell me what this is on my flowering leaves?????? Is it nutrients or lighting????? Please help!!!!!!
I’m thinking nutrient related. I’ve burned plants by having them close to lights but that pattern is more likely nutrient related.


I’m thinking nutrient related. I’ve burned plants by having them close to lights but that pattern is more likely nutrient related.
Thank u I use advanced nutrients I messed up my last one as it was so hot and now temperatures are going down so u have any advice about advanced nutrients I’m a coco user too


New Member
I’m strictly soil but what I’m seeing in your pics looks familiar. Try this link:



Looked on the link thank you it’s amazing but couldn’t quiet see anything that looks exactly like my pics but I’ll keep looking I did find the diagnosis to my old leaves on the end of my plant which where turning a lime green but I noticed it was coming up the plants in my veg tent may possibly be nitrogen deficiency possibly !!!


Well-Known Member
It’s says not to use ph the water because it’s advanced nutrients so I don’t bother do u use advanced nutrients at all????
I use Advanced nutrients.. one thing is I never use full recommended dose. It says 2ml per liter/ I go by the gallon.. it's roughly 3.78 liters per gallon. So dosage would be about 8ml per gallon.. I'm in the last weeks of flower and I use about 75% of the recommended. I still check PH. It's not always on point to where you want it. Always check PH on what you put in.


Ok thank u so much got some more pics if u look at them do u possible think it may be nutrient burn??? It’s only on 2 of my plants and none others????
I use Advanced nutrients.. one thing is I never use full recommended dose. It says 2ml per liter/ I go by the gallon.. it's roughly 3.78 liters per gallon. So dosage would be about 8ml per gallon.. I'm in the last weeks of flower and I use about 75% of the recommended. I still check PH. It's not always on point to where you want it. Always check PH on what you put in.
also do you use PH down or up or just use the PH meter to check the water??????



Active Member
Check the runoff ppm or do a slurry check that should let you know if you are getting nutrient burn