Please Help me - New Leaves are getting pale green - yellow

Il Cuoco

According to the sticky about diagnosing marijuana problems i think it may be an Iron deficiency:

Iron: Leaf tissue appears yellow, while the veins remain green...
Anyway, I'm absolutely not sure about that.:confused:

I leave some infos about the setting:

Temp always between 75 and 80 degrees

I've never added any nutrient as the plants are still 3 weeks old, i'm giving them some nutes and see what happens...:roll:

Here's two pics i took last morning:

Hope to find someone here who can find out what's wrong...:roll:

Thank you all guys


Well-Known Member
It's looks like you're using pretty crappy soil from the pics. Looks like it's out of your back yard, might have too much sand and clay in it. Also try giving it some nutrients and see how it takes it after a day or two.


Well-Known Member
Might be light bleaching. How far your light is?

To solve pretty much any def. at this stage just top dress with good quality compost.

Il Cuoco

I'm using a mix 80% universal soil, 10% styrofoam and 10% expanded clay...the same i used for my last outdoor cycle without experiencing any problem...

I'll try adding nutes as soon as the soil drains up from the last watering...let's see what happens!

PS: In case it was a nutrient deficiency, will the damaged leaves turn back to be green or only the new leaves will?

From: McFonz
Might be light bleaching. How far your light is?

To solve pretty much any def. at this stage just top dress with good quality compost.
There is a distance of approx 30" between plants and light...don't think it's light bleaching


Well-Known Member
instead of adding "nutes" you can top dress with 2" of compost. It should solve the issue for 2-3 weeks.
You can use worm castings mixed with 20% perlite instead - its better but slightly more expensive.

Usually damaged leaves don't come back to life. Don't worry about them, if everything is right you will have enough of them in no time :-)

Il Cuoco

instead of adding "nutes" you can top dress with 2" of compost. It should solve the issue for 2-3 weeks.
You can use worm castings mixed with 20% perlite instead - its better but slightly more expensive.

Usually damaged leaves don't come back to life. Don't worry about them, if everything is right you will have enough of them in no time :-)
OK, thank you... i'm trying with some new casting and cross my fingers... will keep this thread update

see ya!

Il Cuoco

I flushed and gave some nutes...
Now the plants look healtier but still with yellow leaves...despite they seem to be getting greener...