please help me i have a few questions thank you


this is my first grow and i am building a grow box 4 feet long 3 feet wide and 6 feet tall im not sure how much ventalation i need will two pc fans one going in one going out be enough and where should i place the fans at the top or bottom. my other question is i have been reading that your plants need a square foot for growing meaning i can get 12 plants in my grow box but i have read something about less plants that are busier might get more yield . im using a 1kw HPS light for maximum yield will i get bigger yield with with the sea of green method or say 8 plants with more room to get fatter ?? allso im thinking about going with either white widow, white rhino or snow white which in your opition would be the best strain with the strongest thc content and the largest yielder and for the plant to not out grow my grow box ?? thank you very much for any help at all!!! peace

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
You need lots of Ventilation with a 1K HPS in such a small area. And 12 plants in that space is going to be very crowded. But to each his own. I like to give my plants some room. I put 6 plants in a 4'X4' area.


ok well what would you suggest for ventilation a few pc fans or what about like a wall mountable 8 inch fan just in the box think that would do the trick?? i actually need the box heated because its in my shed and its cold where i live so the box is insulated and i just put a order in for a heater and a very on point thermostat think the 1kw light will help with my heat issue i shouldn't have to cool it as much right???


Well-Known Member
this is my first grow and i am building a grow box 4 feet long 3 feet wide and 6 feet tall im not sure how much ventalation i need will two pc fans one going in one going out be enough and where should i place the fans at the top or bottom. my other question is i have been reading that your plants need a square foot for growing meaning i can get 12 plants in my grow box but i have read something about less plants that are busier might get more yield . im using a 1kw HPS light for maximum yield will i get bigger yield with with the sea of green method or say 8 plants with more room to get fatter ?? allso im thinking about going with either white widow, white rhino or snow white which in your opition would be the best strain with the strongest thc content and the largest yielder and for the plant to not out grow my grow box ?? thank you very much for any help at all!!! peace
Not to be a dick, but if you think it could in any way be possible to keep cool a 72 cubic enclosed space with a 1k hid using 2 muffin fans, then you need to think more and read more about basic grow room construction, no shortcuts.
there is a whole seperate forum on it, where you should probably spend a lot of time. Like I said not being a dick but you are not grasping a very basic and fundament part of indoor growing.


Well-Known Member
ok well what would you suggest for ventilation a few pc fans or what about like a wall mountable 8 inch fan just in the box think that would do the trick?? i actually need the box heated because its in my shed and its cold where i live so the box is insulated and i just put a order in for a heater and a very on point thermostat think the 1kw light will help with my heat issue i shouldn't have to cool it as much right???

well outside is a bit different, but you need to learn how a grow room works. In fact the outside bit makes it even more tricky. Good luck


well bro i know that there is incline fans that are for cooling the light but since i need the box heated i was thinking it would be easier to let the light do some of the heating when it is on and when its off let the heater kick on more instead of cooling the hell out of the light and at the same time heating the insulated grow box thats my thinking i could be totally wrong but thats why im asking not to be a dick but telling me im wrong and not saying what is the right way just to spend more time in the fourm is kinda annoying........ with the temperatures in the 30s outside will i still need to cool the fan when it is on or could i use the light as a heater only when it is on i have a heater for when its off or should i put a stong expensive inline fan cooling the light and heat the box my question still isint answered can someone help


Well-Known Member
you are gonna need alot of automation. A controller that monitors and co-ordinates multiple apps for louvers, heater, and humidity, and multiple fans. This is no small task nor cheap.You will have to be able to hook all these things up and then test and modify, just like everyone does on their grow.
I am afraid you will have to spend a very large amount of time reading and researching. No one will or can answer your many questions in one fell swoop. The grow room design & setup forum is where you will find knowledge and help. Just posting the same thread all over will not work. Use the search function and look up some trailer grows, there are many. You need to read complete threads, the give and take in the threads is where the knowledge is bro.

Good luck.

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
I grow during the cold winter months and vent my room into my house to cut down my electrical use. So yes. you can use the light to help heat your room. But you need a steady flow of fresh air into the room. Do not allow it to get stale. And you will need to keep it warm once the lights go off. You only want about a 10 degree difference in temp between lights on and off, if possible. I have a few year growing under my belt and would not want to tackle the trouble of growing in a shed that is outside in 30 degree temps. You have any trouble and your crop is going to be dead. You can not find a 2'X3' Closest inside the home to grow in? I have produced 3 ounces of sweet buds from a small closet this size before. And with just a few CFL's from Home Depot. I went Gettho until I could get my Digital light replaced.

plants 035.jpg


i have a digital humidifier that will turn on and off when its at the right humidity and i am getting an expensive thermostat to make sure the heat is perfect and where should i put the thermostat on the floor near the plants? i have like a grand think that should be enough what would you sugest on a strain white widow, snow white or white rhino? and why would you suggest that thanks for your help any thing if the humidity and heat is controled what other automation will i need and ill just keep the light cool it has a 6 inch hood so i will buy a inline fan money isnt the problem just thought i could not cool the light and use the heater less thanx guys