Please help me, growing both Auto and Normal


Active Member
Now I'm growing in my one box, there are 2 plants of normal feminized WWs should
be in a stage of flowering soon.
but suddenly I got 4 more plants of Auto flowering Blueberries.

I should adjust lighting time to 12/12 for 2 of WWs now.
In this case,
Can I grow the autoflowering Blueberries (just germinated from seeds a week ago)
under the 12/12 toghether?

or is it better to wait until this small blueberry babies grows 3 or 4 weeks more and then, adjust to 12/12 all toghether?
I don't have any space to seperate them as two group.


Well-Known Member
Technically you can grow autoflowers under 12/12 and there's one guy who said he did it with good results but provided no photographs of his claims.

All the seedbanks that breed autoflowers say that 18/6, 20/4 or 24/0 are the light cycles to stick with.

The seedbanks also all agree that you should not change the light cycle for autoflowers.

But hey! Try it, experiment and report back to us.