Please help - is this mold?


I cut my plants about a week ago and have been drying them in a cardboard box with airflow controlled by a fan. The issue is it's been raining constantly lately and the humidity is fking high. To combat this, I have a dehumidifyer in the box with them but I'm worried it's too late. These photos are from the top bud of one plant and I'm worried I have mold, but can't tell. Please can someone help and advise what to do?


5-01-14-7.jpg5-01-14-6.jpg5-01-14-5.jpg5-01-14-4.jpg5-01-14-3.jpg5-01-14-2.jpg5-01-14-1.jpg5-01-14 - Close-1.jpg


I saw some web on one plant before cutting so it could be spider mites. My main concern is the darker patches here. Is that mold or how tric look when they're dried out?

If it is mold, can I just cut out the areas affected or lose the whole branch / colas affected?

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Investigated and it's definitely mold. It only seems to be in very small areas though so have cut them out and (cried whilst) throwing them away. Some people on forums seem to say make has with it, whilst others have said bin it. I'd be interested what people generally recommend on here (for future reference).

Also, can anyone recommend a good (and beginners) guide to making hash? Thanks again


For any other noobs, checking this thread, my conclusion now is that it is aspergillus mold. I've cut out the offending areas and will keep an eye on the rest. Hopefully I won't see any more. Apparently it starts off as the brown stuff you can see in the pictures and then becomes the spidery white webbing. Hope it doesn't happen to anyone else anytime soon


Well-Known Member
better to throw the crop away. Mold can make you seriously sick. Next time you put plants to dry , cut off those leaves. Don't want to smoke leaves anyway. To leave them on is just lazy. Do it right.


Well-Known Member
I'd recommend a foliar spray of H2O2 on what it left. 2TBS of 3% H2O2 per quart. This will kill any mold spores it comes in contact with so spray them hard. Then keep inspecting them daily. Looks like spider mites as well? Oh boy. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
I agree with tossing will most likely spread to the entire plant. You don't want to smoke mold.


I've cut out and thrown away the bad sections. Can't see signs of mold anywhere else but will keep checking. It seems the Humidity in the UK is generally around 80% and above at this time of the year, so god knows how anyone dries out their crop without getting mold. So fking frustrating


Well-Known Member
the problem with someone like you just cutting out and throwing away what you believe to be the bad sections is this: you needed help determining if it was even mold in the first place.

one look at those and it was obvious. where there is not outright mold, there is nascent mold that has only begun to infect the plant.

chuck it all. or only keep it to yourself, at your own risk. your choice.

i prefer the former.


Well-Known Member
i just reviewed the pics again and would chuck every single one.

there are some where it looks like you could cut out the dead shit and still have something presentable, the problem is that it's probably rotted from the inside already.

then there are others that are just waste bin material, sadly.

pell the nugs back to the branch, every single one. if you see brown, dead material, chuck it. if the nug snaps off too easily, inspect further.

mold is a horrible thing.


OK. Those photos are all from one or two buds. I've checked the rest of the buds back to the stem and couldn't see any more brown patches or the fine webbing anywhere else. What can I do to stop any of the others going the same way? Is it best to keep the plants in a very warm room? At the moment I have them hanging in a large cardboard box with a fan drawing air through the box, and a dehimidifier in their with them. Is it better to have the box closed like this or open? Thanks


The RH in the box they are drying in at the moment is 55%. Apparently the air humidity outside today is 82%.


See those crinkled up sickly looking little yellow leaves in between the calyxes? That should have been your first inkling that something was off. There could be/have been mold in the buds (botrytis) before you even cut them.

If you really don't think your other stuff is molded, you need to check inside of them and use something like a magnifying glass at least if you don't have a pocket microscope...