please help im new and im in a BIG jam


hay everyone! i have assembled a grow room in the bathroom i have the setup in the tub. i have the reservoir running to the veg try and plane to just change trays and lights to flip it into the flowering room both are covered by black plastic (like a shower curtin lol) and mylar all over. i also have a carbon scrubber right over the tub and and connect to the fan/vent in the bathroom is 11ft x 5ft x 8ft. the tube is 3ft x 5ft x 8ft.
im planning on growing 60 seeds of feminized white widow.

my questions are:
how long do i need to veg the plants?
how long do the plants need to flower?
VERY IMPORTENT will the smell be detected by neighbors (i live in an apartment complex)?
how many watt of light do i need for florescent and for HPS?
what kind of nutrients do i need (names please)?

will a 1 carbon scrubber kill the oder of the plants when im pulling it and pushing it in to the bathroom vent?

i live in an apartment complex my apt is right on the street right over the side walk so i didnt want to do the grow in the closet cause of the smell also beacause i cant cut and holes in the apartment then it will be real noticable. my only concern as far as smell goes is the naighbers no 1 is going to come to my house during that time.

also how much electicity will be used in a month if anybody has any idea about that question.

i lost my job 4 months ago im on unemployment and now my wife lost hers my son's birthday is coming up and we spent half of our money on rent and almost all whats left over on this project. i have been reading on the internet and ppl been doin this for years. i just want my first harvest and im goin to cut it down to just my personal use. Right now we need the money too. i just hope i dont get caught and lose my family.

all advice is extremely appreciated thanks in advance.


Well-Known Member

You sir, are a feltching idiot. If you dont have money for rent or your kids birthday, fuck you for wanting to spend money to grow weed to smoke. Get your shit together first. Are you really that stupid and irrepsonsible that you think your plan is a good idea? And you are a parent? If so, i feel sorry for your kid. Then again, shelves dont stock themselves. Speaking of which, how hard is it to get a job so that SOME income is coming in? Great example to set for your kid and way to take care of your family!

You should give a personal thank you to everyone here with a job who is paying your bills right now!!!!

Shit like this makes me sick and really tarnishes the image of the home grower.


Well-Known Member

You sir, are a feltching idiot. If you dont have money for rent or your kids birthday, fuck you for wanting to spend money to grow weed to smoke. Get your shit together first. Are you really that stupid and irrepsonsible that you think your plan is a good idea? And you are a parent? If so, i feel sorry for your kid. Then again, shelves dont stock themselves. Speaking of which, how hard is it to get a job so that SOME income is coming in? Great example to set for your kid and way to take care of your family!

You should give a personal thank you to everyone here with a job who is paying your bills right now!!!!

Shit like this makes me sick and really tarnishes the image of the home grower.
Highly Agree +rep


what eva faget just answer the questions or left click pussy. fuck you and who eva agrees with you REP that bitch. chuck norris approved this to you fuckin nerd. i all about my setuation and just needed some guidance, and its always some mother fuckin bitch like yourself that makes it difficult. why you gotta be such an asshole bitch?


Well-Known Member
You need to move on son and get a ,effing job feed your kids not your habit ,and spell check


Well-Known Member
what eva faget just answer the questions or left click pussy. fuck you and who eva agrees with you REP that bitch. chuck norris approved this to you fuckin nerd. i all about my setuation and just needed some guidance, and its always some mother fuckin bitch like yourself that makes it difficult. why you gotta be such an asshole bitch?

And this is why people should take a test before having children.

So im left clicking but no pussy. How long does this take?

I all about my setuation too. And no, i didnt make things difficult, you did that to yourself.

If you can afford to provide provide for your family, your #1 priority, then you have no right to spend money on anything else. Oh wait, you dont need to be able to afford to pay your bills, people like me are paying it for you. Im so glad to. You really deserve it.

You sound really sexy, can you PM me? I love nothing better than to have a conversation wtih someone who is legally retarded.

It just hit me, you dont live in an apartment complex, you live in the projects. Now it all makes sense. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA oh hell ya dood, grow away. AHAHHAAHAHAHAH


Well-Known Member
Get your priorities in order before you attempt a full-size grow. You obviously don't have the time nor the money to be growing. Your first time grow will probably highly unsuccessful and a compete waste of time and money. GL


Well-Known Member
okay i read this shit and had to jump in.. i think everyone here needs to take time to roll a blunt and shut up... damn... what are my fellow growers/stoners coming too if theire throwing shit around like this. if i was the owner of this forum i would ban you all. yes i agree there is no way in anyone's right mind you should be thinking of a grow like this when you nor you wife can afford anything. there is no way you can grow 60 ww plants with no job. the price list would not end. now if your serious you could get a 1000w hps light and veg 10 plants for 3 weeks than put to flower for a successfull crop. now everyone chill out i vote this post is over and done with. peace


im growing 30 plants thats not just for me im gonna try to do what i have to do to maintain. but yeah i got another bathroom also. also i been lokokin for a job for lik 4 months with no luck this is the last resort. "TO BE CLEAR I AM NOT GROWING FOR MY PERSONAL USE I WANT TO GET USE ON OUR FEET THEN IM GOING TO CUT IT DOWN JUST FOR MY PERSONAL" CLEAR

but this is to the 1 who was trying to help what do you mean summer is coming does that meanthat the carbon filter wont work. also i no idea of any place outside.


OH FUCK YOU COWBOYLOGIC WWITH YOUR GAY ASS I AM NOT AND NEVER WAS NORE WILL I EVER BE A MOTHER FUCKIN SNITCH BITCH. no body is forcing me to do this so why will i get other people fucked up you fuck fag.


Jesus christ you're stupid. Why don't you sell your computer, sell whatever you bought for this project, get a job, and then maybe attempt to take on such a huge hobby farther down the road. If you're just trying to grow for personal use throw a plant in a window or something, don't grow 30 fucking plants in your bathroom.

Also, every question you've asked has been answered at one time or another... so maybe if you got off your lazy ass and did some searching in the forums you wouldn't embarrass yourself in a community of proficient and experienced weed growers. Save the hard questions for these people and they will generously donate their time to help you.


Well-Known Member
Really should try to scout some locations for outside spots, and get a real job to keep you going till harvest in fall. Growing in the same house as a kid, for sole income? Seems sketchy. Also all your questions are very common topics that come up a lot so if you actually read you'd know most of that stuff. If your planning on making this a profession your gonna have to do some work.


Well-Known Member
i lost my job 4 months ago im on unemployment

i just hope i dont get caught and lose my family.


Sit back and read those 2 statements out loud a few times.

You think starting an illegal grow with your wife and kids in the house is a good idea?

You're aware it's MULTIPLE felonies if you get popped right?