Please Help!!!! How to protect roots from lights???


Active Member
Ok... I need some serious help... I have a ebb n flow system....hydro system....I'm using rapid rooter as my medium w/ clay pebbles in 8" netting pots. They are sitting in clear crates... What can be done to prevent light from getting to my roots??? Should I put them in actual flower pots??? I saw a guys roots and they were extremely long and I'm just not sure what to do... Please any advise will help... Should I wrap my netting pots in plastic because I have seen that done but I'm not sure about plastic... Thanx for ur help

cannabis love

Well-Known Member
Maybe you could spread panda film (the black and white plastic) over them, with the black side down? Black trash bags lol? Gppd luck!


one of the neat things about growing is finding stuff to do stuff with. Anything to get between light and your roots is good. Look around your house.