Please help diagnose my plant


Well-Known Member
go ahead and pluck those ugly leaves off now

if the fan leaf is mostly healthy just take a pair of scissors and cut the ugly off the fan leaf and leave the rest of the leaf on the plant

this will clean it up and make it easier if you end up out of balance in the future

that organic fertilizer could be helpful if you add it now it might start working in about 3 weeks give or take...some beneficial bacteria or poop tea would help speed up availability

since the miracle grow has slow release fert in it the organic stuff would be safer as to not potentially burn the plants

if you haven't been fertilizing go ahead and add 2 or 3 oz of it to the top and scratch it in and repeat every 3 weeks

that might be enough to water only for the rest of the grow with a occasional Epsom salt feeding

next time don't use miracle grow
either build your own soil or buy a good soil from the hydro store like fox farm ocean forest or root organics


Well-Known Member
also I go ahead and begin bamboo staking her and loose fit wire ties
especially if your moving it around

lowes sells them cheap at the garden center..get the tall ones and you can cut them if you need a couple shorties

get you 1 or two stakes on the main now and have the rest on stand it gets heavier youll add more