PLEASE HELP. brown spots on leaf

The Dank Knight

Active Member
Hello, the some of the mid level fan leaves started develop brown spotting which turned into what looks like some of the leaves drying out and turning brownish. Check out the pics. Any info would be much appreciated. I have been watering once a day or when the top layer of soil gets dry. feeding was every other day with water one and a fox farms nutrient mix the other day. Thanks.:clap:



Well-Known Member
Clearly nutrient burn, don't feed them soo much as they already have nutes in their soil. Give them nutes like once a week. To fix this, flush your plants out for 3-4 days and you'll be good to grow.


Well-Known Member
Yes, only use water, go ahead and give your plants a little flooding, it won't hurt them. Just do this once a day for three days and it should show signs of perking up within the week. After this, don't give it nutes for about a week.