please delete...... sorry i accidently posted this unfinished thread


I have no clue what happened to my plant! I left it under a 65 watt 6700k lights of america big flourescent light and I came back a day later and my plant was like this! I have been leaving under the light all the time before and this didn't happen to it! I left it like an inch away from the bulb.. Does anyone know what could be the cause of this? And what I could do? I have miracle gro organic choice soil and I've only watered it no nutrients or anything yet... the plant is a month and 2 days old......




Me thinks if it was light burn your top leaves would be toast too.

Did you recently transplant it?
Is it in an area where it got something from your intake air? Did you spray anything in the adjacent room?
Just think of anything that you did different leading up to this.

If it was foil burn, the tips of the leaves closest to the foil would be burnt. I don't believe that is your problem.


Active Member
Foil creates hot spots,so wherever the hotspot is i s where your plant will burn..not always on the edge of the leaves.


Active Member
But that looks to intense to be from foil...You shoulkd message someone like blacktop or someone who can give u a def answer.


Well-Known Member
ya i use tinfoil and have had very minor minor burn damage to it (but its what iam stuck with til i get a new job) and it didnt get anywhere near that bad, even in the hot closet. not positive, but i would gess nute burn as well. looks a little tall (stretching) and lacking nodes for over a month old. start with more light (add a few) and make sure you arent using any ferts for AT LEAST 2 weeks after they break soil, though i wait almost a month. Ill leave the "get something other than MG" convo for another time, it only starts debates ;)