Play WoW but want to play w/ other stoners...


Well-Known Member
I've been playing WoW for years and years...the best years were when I was playing with friends, raiding while baked, smoking while helping each other out. Drunken Kara's ftw! So....I'm either willing to go to a server where there are a group of people who already have this ideal situation I mentioned, or am willing to start all over with a group of people willing to do the same. I'm crossing my fingers, hoping to play with some people tonite!


Active Member
Level 85 shaman right cheer.

Windrunner server though. Willing to resurrect this account possibly if we get enough people.


Well-Known Member
Level 85 shaman right cheer.

Windrunner server though. Willing to resurrect this account possibly if we get enough people.
That's what's up :) I have 85 allies on Doomhammer and 85 orc shammy on Smolderthorn...hopefully more people would be interested. Again, I'm down for starting all over, doesn't bother me in the least if I get to play with cool people. Btw I PvP and PvE


Active Member
I've been playing league of legends lately only cause it is free. Have you tried it ladyj? But if we get some more stoners to join us I am so down!


Well-Known Member
:clap: Oooooh you told me.

Last thing I'm going to say to you is a helpful reminder; You can make your own thread about murdering babies or whatever it is lame lonely fucks talk about in their endless free time. It's a lot more sensible than telling the OP to fuck off their thread :). :peace:


If you play World of Warcraft then you are most likely an introverted geek who has a hard time functioning in modern day society so to avoid contact (and possible harassment) with normal people you take refuge under your magical nickname moniker that displays you as some form of powerful human that you wish you actually were. If you continue to play that game you will be forever be in compitition of the nerd-core throne, a throne that you only sit on for a few moments before you brought down by a much more experienced nerd.


Well-Known Member
If you play World of Warcraft then you are most likely an introverted geek who has a hard time functioning in modern day society so to avoid contact (and possible harassment) with normal people you take refuge under your magical nickname moniker that displays you as some form of powerful human that you wish you actually were. If you continue to play that game you will be forever be in compitition of the nerd-core throne, a throne that you only sit on for a few moments before you brought down by a much more experienced nerd.
you're weird if you don't have a hard time functioning in modern day society, this world is fucked up... i'd rather stay inside.


This world is fucked up no question. But staying inside is more fucked up then enjoying what the world has to offer outside of your 4 walls. Try camping. It is great fun!! Only problem is, it is best suited with friends, something some people have a hard time finding. Hey I wonder if you can put your WOW character in a tent.......