Plants Won't Flower


Ohh sweet thats what I an going to do, any idea on dosages is? Is it much harder 2 overfertiliser with the natural bloom fert? As for light leaks I can't seem to detect any, the plants are in a grow box as opposed 2 a grow room, and one plant has flowered so i cant see light leaks being a problem? Or do males flower regardless?? Thanks again guys for the help


Active Member
brownbearclan brings up a good point about light leaks, can you give us some pics of your set up?


Active Member
dosage for tea = personal preference.
id just aerate a 5 gal bucket of water with any fruit scraps and maybe a tablespoon or 2 of molasses (npk 1/0/5). its almost impossible to burn with compost teas. male mj plants generally flower a few days before females.
have fun!


Heres some pics, itsa super small set up, O have to grow boxes, one for autoflowering plants and vegging and cloning, and another for flowering under leds. Here are some pics, the box is lined on the inside with foil totally covering the inside so no light can escape and the outside of the box is lined with black paper again to stop light leaks. If you need pics of different angles or the outside etc, just let me know and i shall take themImage0053.jpgImage0068.jpgImage0054.jpg


Active Member
hmm.. doesnt look like you would have leaks, bloom fert may help. just be careful, use a light dose and see how your plants respond. they will flower, just be patient.


The box is oassively vented, due to the heat the air rises out of the box and draws in fresh air, the box is covered in a dark blue material doubled up so I can not see any light when the grow light is on(does this not mean it is light tight?) Thanks again for the help, I think I am going to mix puree some bannanas and sea weed with water for the next watering of my babies


Well-Known Member
and useualy if it takes a while to show sex they will end up girls anywho :)
I agree with cutting back the sun shine. I did the same with my Blue Mystic and it showed fem with in 4 days and is now super strong and pistols showing everywhere


and useualy if it takes a while to show sex they will end up girls anywho :)
I agree with cutting back the sun shine. I did the same with my Blue Mystic and it showed fem with in 4 days and is now super strong and pistols showing everywhere
, how long did you keep them on 10/14 for before you went back to 12/12 and whats that papaya like? I got 10 seeds from nirvana because the postage was like £3 so i though might as well buy some more seeds. Thanks for the help


Active Member
i would get a clip-on desk fan to circulate air inside the box more.
how to tell if you have enough ventilation- leaves should always "wiggle" in a slight breeze.
good idea on the puree'd banana and kelp, be sure to check the kelp for salinity first.
i would aerate that tea for atleast a few hours for best results (i aerate my teas for atleast 12h)
disregard that comment from buddy "10 more weeks of veg" he obviously didnt read the thread/look at pics.



Active Member
Yeah, maybe it's the picture, but I've seen healthier looking plants. Anyway, just be patient. I grew AI last year and it took about 25 days to sex them, and the males appeared about 5 days before the girls. I'd bet that the plants that haven't shown sex are females.
FOR ME IT ONLY TAKES ABOUT A WEEK?? uuuuhhh i get pre flowers little white hairs in veg and thay allways come out female! this is not normal


New Member
Why would I give that advice if it would hurt your plants? If you have a tough strain that refuses to enter flower or one in flower that seems to never ripen for harvest, reduce the number of hours of light. Not all strains do well with 12 hours of light in flower. Equatorial strains may require 13-14 hours, whereas other strains may do better with 10-12. 12 hours of light for cycle is not science, it is an estimate of what works for the majority, the middle.

If after 3 full weeks of 12/12 and you have zero evidence of sex, reduce the number of hours of light. Go 11 if ya wish, instead of 10... If your plants started their stretch under 12/12 and have stopped without showing sex, the plant is getting too much "sun"
I know this is an old thread, but the problems seem to recognize no time era. Some of you may know me and my unique problem I had/have with one of my plants. A white Widow autoflower that I topped before looking it up to see if Autoflowers :dunce:could be topped and then the next day I almost sucked it up into a shopvac. :cuss:Even though, surprisingly, it did not go up the tube, all the leaves were just hanging as if dead. It was only a week old when I did it. For days it did nothing, and then it started new growth. All the abused fan leaves did die. So I cut them off and prayed for the best. After repotting it in Royal Gold Tuper it really thrived. It become UBER healthy with magnificent foliage. But it won't flower. It got to 18" and I decided to force it. I have it under 12/12 for 4 days now and no little hairs or ballsacs. Today while I was inspecting it with a magnifier, I got it too close to the lamps and burned the top fan leaves.:wall: So I would bet that didn't help anything. I have it on the same nutes as the rest that are doing magnificently. :weed:Is it possible that it may never flower? It is truly a miracle that it is even alive much less so hardy.


New Member
i haven't used MG in years, but is says right on the bag the slow release fert lasts up to 3 months, it hasn't been 2 months according to the op. the standard fert they mix into the soil has a high nitrogen content because it is intended for nitrogen hungry bedding and container plants. i didnt say you cant use MG or even that it was bad. if he isnt watering heavily then the fertilizer balls most likely still contain fertilizer. bit defensive of our dirt are we?

to directly answer you question, yes i too have had good results with MG. i just prefer a different soil composition and more control over what my plants get and when.
I promise you I do not work for the company (though I wouldn't mind doing so, they look like fun folks),kiss-ass I highly recommend using Royal Gold Tuper container mix. This mix allow you to fertilize as much and as often as you wish and you will never burn the plant out. It is really hard to even overwater. It has coco shavings and worm casings as well as other beneficial things. Any plant I pot in this mix grows ferociously and flowers in multitudes. Plants that most would have thrown in the trash, I have seen recover and do even better. :confused: And can someone tell me why my HARD RETURN does not work on this forum?