Plants recovering from Mosiac virus ? Possible ?


Well-Known Member
I popped some seeds a while back just to see if they were still viable. I had not planned on starting a new grow until Oct. I just wanted to see if the seeds were still good.

Out of 8 seeds planted I got 8 I just decided to throw them under some CFLs so I could do some nute, soil, PH, light spectrum testing for the rest of the summer.

About 2 weeks into veg I noticed that some of the plants were malformed ( hooked leaves, drooping ) and discoloration...researching the subject I found out it was the Mosiac virus.

One was a goner...the other 7 looked ok..but with slow growth, hooked leaves and leaf discoloration.

I was going to just toss them but my neighbor and fellow grower stopped me at the dumpster.

He sexed the plants ( he can sex a plant even during veg...he's that good ) Threw the others in the dumpster.

So I was down to 4....

He then proceeded to repot the plants in his " Home made " soil and gave me a bottle of his " homemade " grow juice.

A week later they still looked kinda funky, and I was going to toss them...but he told me to wait.

Now it's 3 weeks since they were repotted and there is no sign of the virus...growth has accelerated immensely...I mean immensely ! Like Bamboo grow fast.

All funky leaves have been removed and they look like new plants all together.

From what my neighbor said, you can make the virus go dormant but it will never be gone...but it will still be good.

I don't want good..I want great, is it worth continuing to grow them ? I heard that the virus can give weed a soapy taste.

Like I said they have no sign of the virus anymore....they look extremely healthy and growth is crazy.

I have 50 more seeds ( different strains ) and had not planned on popping them until mid to late Sept.

But they just look so good now..I'd hate to waste them. But I also hate to waste my time with soap flavored weed.

My neighbor says no, that we got it early enough...but still ?

Anybody ?


Legal Moderator, Esq.
Worse case, it tastes like soap, right? You could cure it longer than normal that would probably help, possibly throw some lemon or orange peels in with it while it's curing. You really have to watch the humidity if you do that though, but it would help the smell and taste a bit, I've done this and it turns out ok. Worse comes to worse you have a bucket full of bud you can just roll into blunts and have out at parties or some shit like that, passin em out and people'll think you're king of awesome.