Plants randomly died overnight?


Well-Known Member
Hello, did you just transplant them ? quarantine them and try to mist them see if they perk back up. imo it looks like a water issue but you say it isn't. may be some damage from transplanting them to the roots ? Not sure what to think but if it is neither of those problems. get them out of your room in case they infect your other ladies. keep us up to date.


Well-Known Member
Hey one more Idea, I have seen Mice get into the plants before and dig under the plants but that''s just a guess. seems you transplanted that long ago. I am really not sure wth it could be. check for chew marks and make sure you don't touch them and touch your other ladies. The others look just lovely :) hope you get it figured out before too long and it don't affect your others. Looks like your using Pro mix. with 5 gallon pots. get them away from the others for now and mist them then check them in about 3 hours and see if they perk back up. Hope they pop back up


Well-Known Member
Sometimes, when I was a kid, I would fuck something up, just to see what happened. Could you have a "friend" or child running around trying to play "chemist"? Could ANYBODY else have been in that room besides you? If it's wet, smell the dirt. It looks as if somebody fed them something that wasn't supposed to go in there in the first place.


Well-Known Member
Curious case. Another idea: check that part of the grow space for anything that might be off. airflow, heat, light or a combo of them.
They remind me of my zucchini after the squash beetles suck the life out of them.


Well-Known Member
If you have them still cut the stem in have and see what color it is. should be white. if it is reddish brown color let me know. hope all the others are ok.
I seen that happen only once, the fan that was being used was to close and the little guys could not handle the force of the air, the ones in the middle just fine but the ones on the outside died, racked my brain for days and that was the only thing it could have been.