Plants have feelings?


Well-Known Member
If god created Earth ,and with it, people, how did the dinosaurs exist? There is no god having anything to do with it. Music is energy that has physical vibrations and waves.
god was an energy before flesh ....... Flesh didn't happen until humans evoled and he intewinded with the crowd to bring peace.

god is everything + a dinasaur ........its been billioins of years of gods intellectual creation to cone to point of today and now ....... God is everything, physics proves it for me


Well-Known Member
god has been every animal on earth , even a dinasaur ....... A dinasuars conscious brain has evolved into ours ....... God chooses to be human.

it is what is it , and the frequency of my grandads record collection will maketh them buds stinketh ...... It makes sense in mainy land trust me lol


Well-Known Member
ok iv looked into why and how the plant likes soft balanced unagresive soulfull sounds instead of chaotic agressive hiphop etc etc

its because god is the light and everything which is matter is god ....... All matter vibrates to the frequency of god.

god has a soulfull mothering heart .... The opposite of all the chaotic hiphop frequencies

i did say id look into it ;)

the cymatic patterns of soft piano is what the plants prefer.........this makes sense as god is everthing :)

I enjoy christian rap very much. Have you ever looked up any quality alternative Christian artists? (Assuming youre not mocking) Its the intent, not the music that can make things chaotic.

There is a whole world of us that love Jesus and benefitting him, but may not fit the bill as far as traditional "christianity" may have you expect.

I create electronic music that I aim to make aggressive and powerful. God helps me study and practice my craft, and I will exalt him in my music for it. I don't belive god is against types of music, just the intent behind them. He knows I've grown up a warrior (American football lol) and I'm a high-intensity person. Im just different and I have different needs in my life then other guys at bible study. I'm just as passionate about the word, of course.

As far as plants go, I'm amazed how they die and are re-born naturally each year before our eyes. God has his hands on them. it's a very beautiful and mysterious world.
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Well-Known Member
I enjoy christian rap very much. Have you ever looked up any quality alternative Christian artists? (Assuming youre not mocking) Its the intent, not the music that can make things chaotic.

There is a whole world of us that love Jesus and benefitting him, but may not fit the bill as far as traditional "christianity" may have you expect.

I create electronic music that I aim to make aggressive and powerful. God helps me study and practice my craft, and I will exalt him in my music for it. I don't belive god is against types of music, just the intent behind them. He knows I've grown up a warrior (American football lol) and I'm a high-intensity person. Im just different and I have different needs in my life then other guys at bible study. I'm just as passionate about the word, of course.

As far as plants go, I'm amazed how they die and are re-born naturally each year before our eyes. God has his hands on them. it's a very beautiful and mysterious world.
""""its the intent, not the music that can make things chaotic."""

well said :)