plants have deformed new growth, please help!


Active Member
Ok, i am a first time grower and i have been having some issues, most of which i have sorted out, but i am stumped on this one.

Problem - Something happened suddenly that made all of my plants begin growing severely deformed new growth, old growth yellowed over night then stabilized, tops of 2 out of 4 plants stopped growing and two shoots came up in place which all are developing deformed leaves. All new leaves, aside from their defamations, appear relatively healthy in color...

My grow is:
Four plants
Soil Grow
White widow clones
Currently running 400W hps
Temps range from 72 to 79 deg F
Good if not excessive ventilation
Using Earth Juice Veg, micro, and catalyst
Currently in vegative state
PH of solution is always 6.6

Possible causes that i can think of, but cant seem to link to the deformations:

1) I under watered once, only slightly, leaves wilted a small amount on one plant.
2) I was originally trying to grow completely organic, purchased the best organic soil i could find but plants didnt like it. I recently transplanted them to supersoil.
3) there is a small possibility that i mixed up ferts (micronitrients and catylyst) and accidentally administered a tbs of micronutrients instead of a tsp??
4) I have a very small fungus gnat problem that i will be eliminating with todays watering of gnatol.
5) When i first noticed i had gnats i sprayed organocide generously 4 or 5 times because i heard that MJ plants tolerate it very well.

This plant exhibits the most deformation of the four plants and has not developed two shutes.

This plant is the worst looking... it actually grew two shutes before the problem began because it was too far into flowering when it was turned back into vegative state and the top died. Regardless, you may notice one shute is growing normal now and the other, well, is retarded.

This plant looks otherwise healthy, it just split into two new slightly deformed shutes. It appears that new growth may be more deformed though...

This Plant is the only one that seems to be unaffected


