plants growing slow


planted these from seed the first week of April, it seems like they are growing slow? I used miracle grow for soil. maybe over watering? I water twice a day. attached pics photo (19).jpgphoto (20).jpg


Well-Known Member
That is some crazy ass shit man... I can't even begin to tell you what's wrong with this picture. Are the getting enough light? What's your soil ph at? Damn them plants look sad as hell bro....


Active Member
They look managable. April was a little chilly so now that the heats here thwy should perk right up and explode. Dont feed any nutrientes for the whole few weeks of veg becaus MG has nutes already. Let em be an just water.


Thanks for the advice bro, I was just getting a little concerned that they weren't growing as fast I expected. Ya it was a lil cold in April so hopefully things turn around.


Well-Known Member
Sometimes they just take a while to get a nice root system really established, but once they do will usually explode with growth. Don't give up unless they are dead I say, especially if its an outdoor grow that isn't taking up otherwise valuable light space.