Plants flowering in increasing light


Active Member
I have a couple of plants(great bag seed) that I started on Jan 1st.(I cannot wait till summer)I cannot grow indoors as I would like due to money restraints.What I've been doing is growing in sun (windowsill) on days when there is sun,and cfls to fill in the gaps. I started after the winter solstice so the days have been getting longer.Today I noticed both plants not only showed sex,but appear to be in full flower,with calyxs,and pistles...My Q: is,Is this due to the fact that the light times are under 14 hours,even tho the light time has been increasing daily? Or is there an auto flowering genetic at work here. If the former is true,then I expect them to return to veg when the light times lengthen enough.As you can see...I'm confused. Please help me out if you can.Reps to all responders. TY


Well-Known Member
A very interesting question! I'm not sure if I understand exactly what you are asking - but I'll take a shot at it anyway.

The mature, female, cannibis plant has two stages (as we all know), "Vegetative" and "Flowering". These are two completely different "lifestyles" (if you will), something akin to a woman being pregnant. Dietary needs change, harmons are different - everything's different (you fathers know what I mean!). I'm not drawing a scientific similarity here, I'm just indicating a vast difference between vegging and flowering here! In fact the difference is so vast that the plant has to be induced in order to "Shift Gears" and make the big change. In "Nature" the days become shorter as late Summer turns into Fall, when day and night are "about" equal, 12 hours each, the mature, female, cannibis begins to "Flower". It has crossed the threshold and "Shifted Gears".

In "Nature" there is no way back to Veg stage - the plant flowers, becomes pollinated, produces seeds then dies! The concept of "re-vegging" a plant is a man-made process and requires a certain effort, as well as crossing another lighting threshold that is somewhere around 14 hours light and 10 hours darkness. Otherwise the plant will stay in flowering mode.

This "Inertia" concept of being forced through a threshold in order to Switch Gears and "Change Modes" is probably what is keeping your plants in Flowering Mode. The "Auto Flowering Responce Gene" has been, pretty well, de-activated in all sub-species of cannabis exept Ruderalis. But all sub-species need to be mature in order to flower, and all except Ruderalis need to be at the (about 12 hours of darkness) threshold.

Make any sense?

Oh yeah, almost forgot - - - - Even though your plants are growing "In Nature", you have interceded and interrupted the normal time schedual of the growing season - thereby providing your plants with "a way back" into veg mode. Like I said "man-made process!".


Get a cfl and put it and the plant in your closet at night. Bring it out in the morning for the window treatment. Keep the suplemental light going untill your ready to flower. Supplent nature.


Active Member
I have some 26 w cfls.I've been using them to fill the gaps in sunny days.I work at home and can situate the plants to get about 8 hours of full sun about 3 or 4 days out of the week. I turn the cfls off prior to the actual sunset every day,and put them by the window as the day runs out.They wake up to the days light and go to sleep by the days light.I thank you both for your comments and suggestions.Reps+