Plants dying....Help! Think I burnt them!!!!


Hey all,

I just checked my plants and there was a horrible burning smell coming from my shed (the cab is in my shed). I open the cab and all the leaves had shrivalled up, pointing upwards and have gone all yellow. It basically looks like they are dying.

The weather has ben extremely cold the past few days and the temps in the cab dropped to 53 degrees. So I upped the fan and changed the placement of it (outside the cab). The temp readings on my thermo didn't even register it was so hot. The shed itself was 70 degrees and so the can temp has to have been over 130 degrees.

Now, I quickly watered them and both drank all 5 litres instantly. I then put another 2 litres in and it drained through into the catch tray.

I don't have any pics atm but the problem is obviously extreme heat stress and basically burning the plants and drying them out.

I am using 4 85W CFL's, the plants were 6.5 weeks into veg and on a scrog screen. Yesterday they were looking luscious and green and growing nicely (save for a little nute burn but nothing bad). I was going to flick the switch to flower on Friday but now I don't know what to do.

Shall I just cut them down, bin'em and start again? Will they recover and so I give them another 2 weeks veg? They look pretty fucked I have to say and I'm no expert.

Any advice greatly appreciated.


Hi all,

Is there no one thatcan help? Is it because I haven't got pics? If so I can get some.

Really would like some help here.


Active Member
get some pics! a dose or two of canna rhizotonic wouldnt do any harm, plant reviver and stress reliever/root builder. dont give up hope yet!