Plants are starting to bud, Parasite precautions???

My outdoor plants are budding now. Are there any steps i can take to protect them from any parasites (budworms, mites, etc.)? I live on the west coast of B.C., are there any parasites that are local i should know about?



Well-Known Member
id probably say move it inside if you can, if not just check on your plants a lot and fix any problems. ive heard putting garlic around soil helps keep away parasites, theres organic pesticides too.


Well-Known Member
einstein oil (concentrated neem) is good for the buggers. start off on low concentration and gradually increase every application (5-7 days apart).

since it just started to bud and you are west coast bc, you will NEED to finish it indoors....or lose it all to bud rot from the constant rain you guys get.
i diced garlic cloves, mixed them with water and used a spray bottle to mist the plants a day before it rained. the bugs are gone!