Planted My Seeds 1 Week Ago


Active Member
hi guys i put my seeds in damp kitchen roll , after a few days the seeds cracked and the they was a root coming out of them about 2mm long , i put a hole in the soil about 4mm down and put my seeds in then coverd them with a bit of soil its been a week now and they still havnt popped threw the soil is this normal ?

Thanks for looking.


Well-Known Member
Most pop the ground in between 2 to 5 days. Sometimes it takes longer. Hopefully your soil was fairly moist. Some strains do take longer to pop out of the ground.


ya what kind of soil? Make sure its not too hard for the seed to push any obstacles out of the way. dig down with a pen or something and see whats up


Active Member
the soil is moist , the plant should pop out with ease , i took one out and the root bit looked brown ? like rotting , what do you think could have caused this .. the soil i am useing is john innes No.3 ph level 6-7 and the seeds are white widdow 7 seeds alltoegther hope its not money wasted wont be to pleased.

thanks for reading.


New Member
i use the shot glass germination method works more successfully
and plant with taproot pointing up


Well-Known Member
i noticed when you put the root tip up, they come up much faster, but can grow crooked for awhile very easily.