planted 1 seed and 2 plants popped up in same pot


Active Member
is this of my white widows sprouted 2 plants in one pot just side by side....and i know i used only one seed the 2nd one popped up about 2 weeks after the first one popped up i have yet to see if they are from the same root system

anyone ever seen twins like this or is it a common thing im a noob ..........

ill check the roots in a couple of days to make sure its not joined as one plant i just want it to get a little stronger first the little one just popped up today and dont want to kill it


Well-Known Member
Hmmm, It has to be two seeds.

Although it could be a side shoot, although it is unlikely.

Need a pic for confirmation, I can tell you in 10 seconds if i have a pic.


Well-Known Member
it can happen man. one seed - two sprouts. how are you goin to check the roots?!? dig the plant?!? DON'T :D haha. cheers!!! CheeTah


Well-Known Member
that happened to me once i thought they were just twins and a good score wasnt white widow was jack herrer seeds but when they grew only one took off the other one was a runt so i tried cloning it and putting ina seperate pot but still didnt help might not happen with yours c wat happens


Well-Known Member
Yes! Checked my girls today (3 weeks old) and noticed a new plant popping out of the coco.
It also had a thin film on the leaves, the kind you get from the seed casings, so I'm wondering if the casing sprouted again after it fell off my original plant.


Well-Known Member
yeah it's pretty common, I'm guessing it's alot like humans, the pod was pollenated twice resulting in 2 embrios in 1 seed...


Well-Known Member
well i dont kno if this is it but the seed pod could of been in a wierd angle which caused the seedling to find another route to the surface with the original seedling making it first and the second unearthing as said the 2 weeks later being this is not likely but it could happen