plant yellowing?


I am not sure what your nutrient make up is at this point but please make sure that all environmental factors are accounted for before you try to fix any nutrient deficiencies. Make sure you are not overwatering as this could cause the yellowing that you are seeing as well. After all of the environmental factors are accounted for then you can proceed with looking into nutrient deficiencies.


Active Member
watered 4x A day for 20mins per
plenty of air

mix is silca blast and veg nutes from bmo

form those pics looks like it could be mag, iron or nitrogen?????


Active Member
Yeah I saw the tubing, it clearly says N-G-W in the last picture... Poor guy... Listen to u.g.u man and check out that thread, that N-G-W hose that you're using is leaching toxic chemicals into your water. I had two different hydro stores today confirm that this is happening so it's definitely legit.


Active Member Go to this thread here if you are using tubing that has there is a solution
Yeah I saw the tubing, it clearly says N-G-W in the last picture... Poor guy... Listen to u.g.u man and check out that thread, that N-G-W hose that you're using is leaching toxic chemicals into your water. I had two different hydro stores today confirm that this is happening so it's definitely legit.
Listen to us man... I saw that EVIL N-G-W hose in your pictures man, I KNOW that's the issue... Replace that hose, do a good flush with just water, and then do a fresh fill with a LOW ppm of nutes so they can recover.
thanks for the truth about the poison hose n g w i lost 9 rooms to this and corrected our problem before finding your info. we went from indiviual hose feed 4inch tubes too a manifold deliver system and used another 8 inch hose brand from the shut off values because it was easier to slide good soft hose on. we also put in chillers and r o the water to 10 ppms our new plants are as they have been for the years we have grown. after my friend began to research the problem on this site did we reconstruct what we did down to where we first saw this ngw hose. the man who brought us out here from ky bought this hose and decided to use it instead of clear hose i have been using for years but he hated the green slim in the hose so he change it to n g w hose . well about a wek later he ask me what was wrong and i said your plants are having a nutrient uptake problem and he just added more food to the water went from 380 to 500 well that was wrong. three days later they came by and ask why our plants were fine and again no clear answer could i give. he thoght i messed his stuff up so they went back to the soil they had sucess in. well i changed to 4inch from 2inch because the roots stop the water flow causing leaks. with the up grade we used n-g-w hose in the big rooms where the hose ran 10 feet along each tube back to the resivors for fresh mix. weeks of trying to adjust the food down to two teaspoon in 38 gallons to make plants live. i would use a hose to wash each plants root off some 120 plant in that room so you know how hard i tried to make this work. changed water three times a week and yes they were living and some looked like it might produce then next day or two they would be wilted to death. oh so many different signs during this destruction no one could figure this out till you did. once we were one the trail we reproduced this and are doing this as we speak pictures and video for the courts if we go that far. the temps of the water cause the gas to release sooner as the temps get closer to 73 and by 81 degrees f they will die if you are using n-g-w hose. just so you know it is 91 in our room now that are being tested and our system works great in those high temps but the n-g-w hose are killing them as we speak in as many ways as before. because we have alot of clones and need to know we will continue this experiment to see if the hose can be used for anything beside hanging yourslef with it. let me step out here one more time for you guys who dont know what the correct ppm is for you. now that we ro our water its down to 10ppm healthy clones do very well at 290ppm with ghp and advance in deep water continous flow with or without chillers. as they grow to your turn back size they will do great no higher than 420 magic number. yes i know you pros out there will say anything but i will back it up with my money my dear new growers. as for flood and drain in rock wool the nubers do head to 600 to 800 but they do need to be worked up to that. if you need help keep searching out here the truth is here. william