plant wilted in one day? why heat?


Had them on the windowsill to harden for outside, watered them yesterday, no muted till yesterday I added Neptunes harvest will to much fish and seaweed......I am holding them up with straws and flushed the soil...any other suggestions ?
Thanks in advance

Lo Budget

Well-Known Member
Hold off on the nutes & water for now. Try to get them under more light right away. Right away. Help them use up the water faster. G/L


Well its been that hot the whole time in the window, I out inside to be transplanted...the only thing I did was neptunes harvest....I think way to much even though its organic....I need to know how to fix it..1 day and they bent over like that...super thrive maybe?


Well-Known Member
Just a shot, but maybe there was not enough air around it at the sill window open or not. If the air was just standing around with no breeze those temps could cause some havoc, it might have been even hotter indoors around the plant. That combined with the heavy dose of water might have been a lot of stress for seedlings because the mix around the jiffy pucks looks tight as well.

They look stretched for light too, if you can get them to bounce back consider adding some perlite or vermiculite or something to the mix you have to give the roots a better chance at breathing, especially if the plants will be in extreme temps. I am growing in very hot temps using outdoor/indoor balcony. Getting looser soil and keeping a lot of fresh air blowing has been very important. Good luck.


Yeah I don't they will make it..I used this soil before organic bites till the day it died..don't even know why I just didn't stick to my dyna grow n bloom..but I did give them super thrive...maybe they will recover, if not I lost out this summer as far as outside..but I do have 2 bubba kush and 1 la snowcap left , not a complete waste , going to take extra care of them..the weather just been crazy