plant size

span jam

hi areo gardeners im currently growing ak 47 x hindukush from low life seeds and its o ly 8 inches tall .i only picked an autoflowering seed because of size of aerogarden have been looking at some threads and have noticed that people are growing full sized strains .is the 3 ltr resevior ok for normal strains ? :-P


Well-Known Member
Frankly I don't know what I've got, besides a lot of luck, but I have a few seeds form a joint I was given years ago that got me started and there are two definitely different strains in my garden. One is low and bushy and has reddish stems out to the dark green fat leaves. The reddish stems are usually a sign of nutrient deficiency but believe me there's nothing wrong with those fat ladies. The other strain is taller with thinner leaves. They both flower and smoke beautifully. The kicker is that you only have 112 ounces in the seven holes model reservoir so don't over plant. Two to three seems to be the magic number but I like to keep it down to two.

Last but not least is the height restrictions on the A/G. The standard seven holes unit I have came with two round lamps and an arm light stand that only extended up to 12 inches. I purchased an upgrade kit that doubled my planting height limit and it has three high intensity CFL's. With that you're good to go.

span jam

heres e few pics of my plant its seven weeks old now ,got some nutrient problems am using ionic bloom and growand boost i am mixing to the instructions ph 5.8 its my first grow am using 3 2700k bulbs to flower 125 w 25 w 23w my aerohood is on a pot with a seedling. i am also using a small airstone

