plant shriveling/withering

Platinum Bread Man

Active Member
hello, i read all about plant deficiencies and problems before creating a thread but nothing i read mentions my problem.

i have a couple 3 week old plants ive been growing outside. i transplanted yesterday<as careful as was possible> and immediately after the two plants which were transplanted began to fall on its side. the leave began to droop, including the stem. they are still green however this morning they look significantly worse. they now look entirely shriveled up and in pretty bad shape.

what has happened, what can i do?

Platinum Bread Man

Active Member
no, thing is, they were doing 100% great but after transplant things went immediately downhill. my 3rd plant is still doing awesome and its in the same climate/watering schedule.

Platinum Bread Man

Active Member
i threw in a bunch of seeds in ONE pot not expecting much to come of it. 3 seeds germinated. of which 2 were growning super tightly together; leaves were entangling so i transplanted.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
sounds like a bit of stress.did you water good after the transplant, may be to much,or not enough....

Platinum Bread Man

Active Member
i watered 500ml after the transplant. more than enough to moisten the soil. it seems to me they are still alive and struggling.

if we put this on mathematical terms. the plants went from 100% to 10% of size and leaves are dead-like although green. even part of the stem is bending over.


Active Member
i watered 500ml after the transplant. more than enough to moisten the soil. it seems to me they are still alive and struggling.

if we put this on mathematical terms. the plants went from 100% to 10% of size and leaves are dead-like although green. even part of the stem is bending over.
it might be trying to get used to the new light, hopefully it should get better tomorrow when it re adjusts to its light


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
what kind of wind is hiting them.... as long as she stays green thats a good thing.. sounds like stress out plant to me, give her a few more days,if she gets wores then start to freak out then..... i think she will pull threw. post a pic if you can... and let the soil dry good be4 watering again..


Well-Known Member
Sounds like a major case of transplant shock to me. If the plants were all in one pot, then it's possible the roots also became entangled. When you separated them, you may have inadvertently damaged the roots.

Or it's possible that the soil you transplanted them into is too "hot" (i.e. full of fertilizer). Did you use the same type of soil they were already in, or something different?

Platinum Bread Man

Active Member
same soil same conditions same everything. im thinking i might have caused root damage on one because i was surprised at how "small" the roots were.

root damage from transplant=dead plant? or can i back the comeback of the century?


Well-Known Member
A plant can survive damage to the roots, as long as all the roots aren't damaged. Some growers even swear by trimming their roots (it's like topping a plant, it causes the trimmed root to branch into 2 roots), so I wouldn't give up hope just yet. Most likely, if they survive, they'll be stunted for a bit. As long as there's still green on the plant, it isn't dead (yet!).


Well-Known Member
well the plants are still alive however they are at about 5% original size. anything i can do to help them survive?

i took pictures ill post later
I would say and Im new so anyone else feel free to chime in but give them time. Try not to over medicate them too much water, nutrients ect. I have found weed to very resilent and can take quite a beating. Im sure there stunted and make take some time to pull through but trying to give the plants excess things they really dont need may make your problems worse.
Sounds like by ripping the plants apart in order to separate them and possibly as a result of heavy handed transplant techniques stressed them out too much.


Well-Known Member
Got any Superthrive? If so you could give them a foiliar spraying of that. Actually any B-1 type would do, like Thrive Alive or Liquid Karma. Good Luck.