plant problem with pics


hey everyone i am need of some serious help. i have 4 white widows outside and they have been growing good up until a couple of weeks ago. all the plants are in the same soils and are giving the same FF nutes. my problem is this, all of them have yellowing leaves. now i thoought it was lack of nutes but that cant be right. the leaves dont start turning yellow at the leaf tips and it seems to start at the bast and work up the center of the plant and out as you can see in the pics. i water them about every 4 days and feed them every other watering. the only thing i can think of is to much light they are in the sun all day and it might be bleaching the plants. i am open for anyones opinion. thanks in advance for all the help.



Well-Known Member
too much food bro cut back!!i would flush out and feed straight water for a week could be lock out. its not to much light the plants out side dont do that. plants that big in planters should be watered every other day if its taking up to four days before the soil drys out sounds like lock out. dig a hole put em in the ground they will love ya for it!!


just did a flush today each plant got 40 gallons of just water and i am going water three more times this week weds friday sunday. hope this fixes the nute burn.


New Member
iwas gonna say try to transplant but its already in a huge tub ! flush it... lower the nutes by 1/4 of what you use.... what nutes are your useing ? whats doeses ?


im useing fox farm and i use the chart they gave me. its like 3 tsp of grow big and 2 tlbs of big bloom in one gallon of water. i have the widows in maricale grow soil and i have 6 others in pro mix and this will be the last time i use MG soil. its a lesson learned. just hope this flush works. gonna flush a couple times more this week.