Plant Moisture Stress - Symptoms and Solutions

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
Im not using a high P nute. Just H & G soil A/B in veg....
OK, so what do you figure the NPK and micro make up is? Chlorosis is always caused by micro deficiencies. Yellowing leaves is either caused by a poor root system which is incapable of proper salts uptake or a lack of N.


Hi all ok so we are new at this our plants are from seeds middle of aug till now, the leaves have started to get yellow spots on them but not like what we have seen on here we think it is from nute and maybe the light being to low just wanted to see if anyone could tell us maybe,

we did a complete flush and plan on doing it again on sunday we have stopped giving any nutes in case we have burnt them were not sure when to start feeding them i am gonna show some pics IMG_0699.jpgIMG_0704.jpgIMG_0705.jpgIMG_0707.jpg


Hi all ok so we are new at this our plants are from seeds middle of aug till now, the leaves have started to get yellow spots on them but not like what we have seen on here we think it is from nute and maybe the light being to low just wanted to see if anyone could tell us maybe,

we did a complete flush and plan on doing it again on sunday we have stopped giving any nutes in case we have burnt them were not sure when to start feeding them i am gonna show some pics View attachment 2330956

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
People, when you suspect something then you need to relay your day to day activities and that means NPK values, amounts.....I don't work off product labels nor am I a mind reader. I only relate to elemental values of foods you might have applied. There are many issues that can induce leaf necrosis (yellow leaf spots is a symptom of what's to come) - fungus and insect pressures, too much salts....for example.

Good luck,


ok so the food we were giving was flora duo part A & B 3tsp to 1tsp stronger growth blend, since they started with the yellow spots we stopped feeding nutes we did a complete flush 3 days ago and are doing it again tonight . we also raised the lights(1000w) and the temp now seems to stay around 79-82 i have 2 fans in the room and two on the outside bringing in fresh air. we are not sure when to start budding or what age to do that at they are 6 - 7 weeks old could really use some in put please

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
People, when you suspect something then you need to relay your day to day activities and that means NPK values, amounts.....I don't work off product labels nor am I a mind reader. I only relate to elemental values of foods you might have applied.
~ Uncle Ben ~


Well we lost one of our plants due to havi g balls lol
sacs a sad moment but so far the other are showing no signs
we were told that around 6-8 weeks they would start show if they were males (sure enough)one of the plants
are pretty tall but the little one is still short and bushy
can anyone please suggest when we should bud we know one is sativa and other is indica but it is short and really really bushiy


Active Member
Hi All, can someone confirm what the problem is here? i have just started feeding with a high N fertilizer as the leaves seemed quite light green. have i overdone it? is this classic nute burn? any advice appreciated.



Well-Known Member
Hi All, can someone confirm what the problem is here? i have just started feeding with a high N fertilizer as the leaves seemed quite light green. have i overdone it? is this classic nute burn? any advice appreciated.
Hmmmmmmmm......what a coincidence! Lol


How it going folks??
So I'm hoping someone could
Maybe help me out with some guidance.
I started my autos outside back in July an sinse had to bring them in as the weather has been really wet and has also started to get cold. The problem I have is my pots are drenched, due to the rain and have no chance to really dry and that's now slowed growth down as my roots ate to wet. I understand that I need to let the pots dry and become light to lift before watering again but they are in real need of feeding as the one I think is showing signs of N difitiantsy as its yellowing.
What am I to do? My plants need food but the soil needs to dry or they will for sure die.


Well-Known Member
Any hints,suggestions,etc on how to balance the effects of root binding and the need to grow small plants in small pots?


Well-Known Member
no 006.jpgno 004.jpgno 003.jpgno 002.jpgno 001.jpg This is Translove, 9 weeks in flower, organic grow. These were taken 2 weeks ago. Now in 11th week. Beautiful buds but leaves like this all over plant. Should be ready in 3 more weeks but not that many crystals yet. PH was 7 last week. Use my well water which is ph 6.

Anyone know what is causing this as it has got much worse in last 2 weeks? Thanks for any help.

