plant isn't drinking the water


Well-Known Member
its been 4 days and the water hasn't gone down, im growing in a aerogarden, every single leaf is drooping down also


Well-Known Member
does this have anything to do with heatstress? should I turn the lights off for the next 24 hours? ill take pictures if i have to


Well-Known Member
That doesnt help, lol. If you dont know the PH they could be locking out any nutrient or water uptake. Are they wilting from underwatering, or are they droopy from over watering?

Pics would help



Well-Known Member
That doesnt help, lol. If you dont know the PH they could be locking out any nutrient or water uptake. Are they wilting from underwatering, or are they droopy from over watering?

Pics would help

ya im sorry, im growing hydro in a aerogarden so i cant controll the watering so i doubt thats the problem, thanks ill post pics


Well-Known Member

welcome to aerogarden Im afraid. If you dont have a good inline filter or at least a filter bag on your pump,
They ALWAYS Clog. Do you have the "sprayline" with built in nozzles ?


Well-Known Member
Of course, disconnect your pump from the supply line in your res and make sure its pumping water first....

BTW put your plants in a tub with just enough res water to cover the root zone - that will buy you some time to fix this.



Well-Known Member
Yeah, you need to flush your system more often with a strong h202 solution, rinse with water, then put plants back in. Like toone said, set up a little Life support bath, if you got a clear bucket or something for a humidity dome all the better.



Well-Known Member
im so confused, dont i want low humidity since im in the 4th week of flowering, i checked the pump and its not working, do i clean it or something, my airstone is working fine


Well-Known Member
Dont worry about humidity - save the plants quick !

Is the pump making any noise ? If not - is there anything else plugged into the power so you know the power to that plug is working?

If the pump is running and not moving any water when submerged, check to see if it has a filter on it (usually it will have a cover that
snaps off and has a filter sponge in it. Rinse it - and run some water through the pump wile plugged in and see if it frees up.


Well-Known Member
Of course, disconnect your pump from the supply line in your res and make sure its pumping water first....

BTW put your plants in a tub with just enough res water to cover the root zone - that will buy you some time to fix this.

how do i do that?


Well-Known Member
just lift the plants out - net pot and all. Get a bucket or tub - anything that will hold water . Put about 3-4 inches of water in it out of your water res. and put them in it.

If there's not much water in your reservoir - just use it!

Best thing to do is to do this in the corner of a room, that way you can lean your plants in the corner.


Well-Known Member
There is instructions for cleaning and taking apart the pump on the aerogarden site. It is easy.

If you cant figure that out get an airstone and pump from a pet store.


Well-Known Member
There is instructions for cleaning and taking apart the pump on the aerogarden site. It is easy.

If you cant figure that out get an airstone and pump from a pet store.
so i took the pump apart but that wasn't the problem, it was the electric connector thing, so i put vinegar on it and now it works:) ive had a airstone from day 1


Well-Known Member
the last hour of my life was insane trying to fix this, what can I do now to help it, i think it might be too far gone.. ill post pics in 5 minuts